Abandon Health, All Ye Who Enter Here: Inside Manhattan's Sad Smoker Canyon
Adrian Chen · 08/29/10 04:21PMSaving You A Trip Down Madison Avenue
Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/08 03:49PM
There's a huge exhibit at the New York Public Library right now called "The Real Men and Women of Madison Avenue," dedicated to the greatest examples of advertising ever. Funny that the public library is one of the few public spaces left that hasn't sold all its wall space to advertisers (we think-haven't been in a library since they invented the internet), but ads got in there through the back door anyhow! The educational back door. But we're going to save you the trip; after the jump, five classic ads from the exhibit that sum up everything the ad industry has ever taught us:
Mark Zuckerberg eyes bright lights, big city, and blinks a lot
Nicholas Carlson · 10/24/07 06:05AM
So how are the ad agencies on Madison Avenue reacting to Facebook's invite to a little gabfest on November 6 with Mark Zuckerberg and the rest of the Facebook gang? "You mean this black, plastic monolith?" one industry insider said, flicking the giant plastic invite Facebook sent on the other end. "Uh huh. I got one." Oh, Zuck. You are going to grow up so fast in this big city.