
Black Table analysis of Radar

Gawker · 04/21/03 10:48AM

The Black Table's Scott Dickensheets hasn't actually seen a copy of Maer Roshan's new mag, Radar (which hits newstands tomorrow), but figures he's read enough reviews and seen enough previews that he "knows all about it." "Such clouds of hype have enveloped the launch of Radar magazine that even young Iraqis in the desirable looting demograhics have stopped to tell CNN how delighted they are by editor Maer Roshan's quirky editorial philosophy and determination not to treat celebrities with the usual glossy obeisance." (I'd link to the neverending love-it/hate-it reviews, but reviewing the reviews is more entertaining. And far less substantive!)
The bleeps, the sweeps and the creeps: Radar Magazine pops up on the radar screen [BlackTable]

Radar, and more Radar

Gawker · 04/14/03 08:06AM

Maer Roshan's new mag, Radar, is set to hit newstands on April 22nd, and the press blizzard is just starting. The NYT's David Carr has an extensive review and Page Six offers a few excerpts from an article titled "Monsters, Inc.":
· On Dave Eggers: "Thin-skinned exhibitionist is so paranoid about his image, will communicate with press only via e-mail. Claims to loathe big imprints, yet is published by Penguin in the U.K."
· Wall Street dilettante Jim Cramer "gave surviving employees of his beleaguered financial Web site autographed copies of his blustery post-bust tell-all, 'You Got Screwed!,' in lieu of bonuses."
(We snagged a copy, too, so you'll get more excerpts later.)
New magazine has the sound, not the budget, of the late Talk [NYT]
Radar tracks boldface boors [Page Six]

Radar preview

Gawker · 04/11/03 09:41AM

The Post's Keith Kelly gets a preview of Talk veteran Maer Roshan's soon-to-be-launched magazine, Radar, and notes that it's already taking swipes at other magazines. Media targets include Jann Wenner, Bonnie Fuller, and particularly Details editor Dan Peres. "Let's Get One Thing Straight," says one article, "Dan Peres, editor-in-chief of Details, is not gay. But his magazine sure seems to be."
Radar's attitude: more SPY than Vanity Fair [Keith Kelly - Post]

Trouble on the Radar

Gawker · 03/17/03 04:48PM

Maer Roshan's new mag Radar isn't even on the stands yet, and it's already stirring up controversy. Radar reporter John Connolly was assigned an investigative piece on Doug Morris, the head of Universal Music Group. Ex-Sony Music chief Tommy Mottola has been trying to negotiate some sort of deal with UMG and wants the piece "to go away." The story isn't finished yet, but Morris is reportedly nervous because Radar is backed by ex-HBO exec Michael Fuchs, who once fired Morris when they were working at Warner Music Group. Morris returned the favor by getting Fuchs fired shortly thereafter. Next up: UMG artist 50 Cent writes rap song called "Fuchs you, bee-yatch!"
Eminem's record company [FOX News]

The GQ succession race

Gawker · 02/26/03 11:05AM

Have they no decency? Quicker than Art Cooper's tears can dry, the media commentators are handicapping the race to succeed him as editor of GQ. Keith Kelly is offering odds.
· Dylan Jones, editor-in-chief of British GQ: 2-to-1 favorite
· David Zinczenko of Men's Health, although he's taken himself out of the running: 5-to-1
· Michael Hirschorn, past editor of Spin: 10-to-1
· Kurt Andersen, resting at public radio: 35-to-1
· David Kamp, a VF editor: 35-to-1
· Maer Roshan, if Radar doesn't fix: 50-to-1
· Glenda Bailey of Harpers, because SALTYT thinks it's time a lad's mag had a woman editor.

Maer Roshan on Radar and the indie mag lifestyle

Gawker · 02/18/03 12:32PM

"You can't work at an independent magazine and expect a Conde Nast lifestyle. We don't have a town car service or an account at the Four Seasons. Thankfully, there are some really talented people willing to sacrifice a degree of comfort or income in exchange for editorial independence and job satisfactionboth increasingly rare commodities in the magazine business these days."
MediaPeople: Maer Roshan [IWantMedia]

Radar: big promises

Gawker · 01/31/03 05:03PM

Maer Roshan: "Radar won't be content to sit on the margins of American culture. Instead, it will noisily demand its place at center stage. We will fearlessly cover celebrities as we would any news subject, and won't sacrifice accuracy for access." Note to Radar: If you live up to that, we'll be impressed. (Enamored, even.) If you don't, we'll be ruthless. Love, Gawker.
Radar Media LLC [Radar]

Radar love

Gawker · 01/25/03 01:58PM

People slated to write for Maer Roshan's new mag, Radar, include:
Jonathan van Meter, founding editor of Vibe; Jake Tapper, who wrote Down & Dirty for Little Brown about the Florida vote recount; Vanessa Grigoriadis, a contributing editor at New York; New Yorker contributor Mark Leyner; former Brill's Content media writer Katherine Rosman; and Toby Young, author of "How to Lose Friends and Alienate People." (Hmmm... Toby Young and Tina Brown contributing to the same magazine... Bets on how long before the first restraining order?)
Blender getting spun by numbers mix-up [Keith Kelly - Post]

Radar money update

Gawker · 01/17/03 11:46AM

Keith Kelly reports that Harvey Weinstein may be considering funding Maer Roshan's new mag, Radar. Yes, this is the same Harvey whose Miramax lost $27 million on Talk, Maer's former employer. Then again, as far as we know, Harvey's never overtly threatened to kill or maim any of the top Talk alumni, and maybe that constitutes a "good relationship"$27 million notwithstanding.
It's Christmas in January [Keith Kelly - Post]

Fuchs funds Radar

Gawker · 01/12/03 11:00AM

Ex-HBO CEO, Michael Fuchsalso an interviewee in "The Big Heist"has agreed to fund Maer Roshan's new mag, Radar, although he says this "isn't the best environment to come out with a new magazine." Roshan, who announced the deal before the ink was dry, is sure to be breathing a sigh of relief.
Radar love [The Word]

The great Radar money-chase

Gawker · 01/08/03 03:33PM

Steve Brill tells "Off the Record," that he's considering funding Maer Roshan's Radar. (We're feeling very Radar today, apparently. In Gawkerland, two = trend.) "I m really impressed by the prototype issues he s produced," says Brill. Roshan, oddly, declines to comment.
Off the record [Observer]

Tina Brown, Radar contributor

Gawker · 01/08/03 12:08PM

Tina's back! She turned down Howell Raines, Adam Moss, and Graydon Carter, all of whom wanted her as contributor, but she has agreed to write for Maer Roshan's new mag, Radar. In addition, her gossipy Times of London column will be appearing in Salon.
Tina back on U.S. radar [Keith Kelly - Post]

The Radar Demographic

Gawker · 12/11/02 10:54AM

Ex-Talk editor, Maer Roshan, says his new magazine, Radar, will be "Spy meets Vanity Fair meets Harper'swith a pinch of the Enquirer thrown in for good taste." Which means, of course, that the composite Radar demographic will be the "East Village thirtysomething screenwriter-of-dubious-income," meets the the "Des Moines Astrovan-ed soccer mom," meets the "L.L. Bean-ed Upper West Side Charlie Rose fan," with a pinch of the "Wheel-of-Fortune-watching Orlando retirement village resident" thrown in for good taste. Dear god.
La Dolce Musto [Village Voice]

Magazine launches

Gawker · 10/18/02 10:45AM

Yes, there are some people foolish or brilliant enough to launch new magazines during an advertising recession. The WSJ catalogs...