California Is Finally Getting a Real Weekly Magazine
Ken Layne · 01/29/14 03:14PM
A new weekly magazine called California Sunday was announced this morning, and reaction was immediate and joyous. The very creative business idea is to put the print mag inside the state's biggest Sunday papers, while having all the websites and apps that are exciting to new-media people but can't charge Sunday paper ad rates.
Hamilton Nolan · 01/17/14 12:03PM
New York Magazine Begins to Give Up on Print
Hamilton Nolan · 12/02/13 10:09AMGovernor's Weight Alluded to Noisily
Hamilton Nolan · 11/07/13 09:09AMHamilton Nolan · 10/24/13 08:25AM
Condé Nast Killed the Internship
J.K. Trotter · 10/23/13 10:31AMScience Journalism World Explodes With Sexual Harassment Allegations
Hamilton Nolan · 10/17/13 08:55AMHamilton Nolan · 08/09/13 08:20AM
Ha Ha, Did the Tea Party Boycott Ebony Magazine? (No.)
J.K. Trotter · 08/07/13 05:36PMThe Not-So-Final Embarrassment of Tina Brown
Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/13 09:01AM
The dessicated, online-only husk of what was once a big magazine called Newsweek has finally been sold off (despite our explicit instructions not to buy it). For editor Tina Brown, it marks the end of a humiliating career defeat. Newsweek's downfall exposed all of Tina Brown's weaknesses, and won't hurt her a bit.
Hamilton Nolan · 08/01/13 04:21PM
Vanity Fair Is as Relevant as Ever
Hamilton Nolan · 07/30/13 11:56AMJohn McPhee Blazing New Frontiers in the Field of Boring Story Premises
Hamilton Nolan · 06/24/13 08:16AMHamilton Nolan · 06/21/13 02:24PM
Do Not Buy Newsweek
Hamilton Nolan · 05/29/13 01:36PMHamilton Nolan · 05/22/13 10:33AM
Hamilton Nolan · 05/21/13 01:06PM
Dave Zinczenko's New Magazine Is Exactly Like His Old Magazine
Hamilton Nolan · 05/21/13 09:12AM
Last year, longtime Men's Health editor Dave Zinczenko was let go, reportedly because bosses tired of his "relentless self-promotion." Zinczenko was hired by AMI to revamp its smaller Men's Health rival, Men's Fitness. And now, former colleagues are grumbling that Zinczenko is doing little more than ripping off Men's Health for his new venture.