
Chris Matthews' Right-Wing Pundit Crush

Hamilton Nolan · 05/04/11 01:26PM

In your brash Wednesday media column: Chris Matthews' wacky idea of "influential journalists," Alex Kuczynski strips, AOL's momentary earnings lapse, Adam Moss's reading list, crazy UK libel laws, and Newsweek's subtle Bin Laden cover.

Bin Laden Saves DC Reporters From Annual Dose of Ridicule

Hamilton Nolan · 05/03/11 02:06PM

In your moody Tuesday media column: Bin Laden saves the White House press corps, HuffPo people moves, Andrew Sullivan's traffic, a missing Al-Jazeera reporter, and Michael Wolff speaks (some more).

Paul Krugman Is America's Most Correct Pundit

Hamilton Nolan · 05/02/11 01:34PM

In your ardent Monday media column: accountability comes to punditry, PR replaces journalism, the NYT's front page quick change artistry, longer newscasts tonight, and everybody loves

Whiz Kid's Biz Bid: Deadline Owner Eyeing Variety?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/28/11 02:20PM

In your soggy Thursday media column: a rumored bid for Variety, Penthouse's owner has a cheap IPO, Erin Burnett's going to CNN, Slate's editor likes Slate, and a Reader's Digest recipe kerfuffle.

The Future of Alt-Weeklies Is No More Alt-Weeklies

Hamilton Nolan · 04/27/11 02:32PM

In your throwback Wednesday media column: alt-weeklies get glossy, and remain sexy, Malcolm Gladwell was one of those "I don't have a TV" kids, and Sarah Palin's zinger on Katie Couric.

Fashion Editors Cut Size Labels Off Clothes to Protect Celebrities' Feelings

Maureen O'Connor · 04/26/11 02:41PM

In a Today Show segment on vanity sizing, More editor Lesley Jane Seymour described the lengths fashion editors must go to protect the fragile egos of celebrities: "When we go to shoots it's all about the ego. If a celebrity says she's a size 8 and we know she's not we cut the sizes out because we know she won't put it on if it says it's a 10."

Keith Olbermann Returns With Everything but The Audience

Hamilton Nolan · 04/26/11 02:11PM

In your tense Tuesday media column: Keith Olbermann is returning, a new Katie Couric rumor, Jay Rosen ruminates, Michael Kinsely's new job, Anderson Cooper's hot new cable news feud, and a new Village Voice columnist.

What Makes People Want to Work for the Huffington Post?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/25/11 02:05PM

In your magic Monday media column: HuffPo hires some more, Elvis Mitchell loses another job, DC ladies discuss The New Yorker, MSNBC sloganizes, Brian Williams jokes, Katie Couric states the obvious, Adweek rhapsodizes, and Reader's Digest's CEO is out.

Conde Nast on iPad Apps: Eh, What's the Rush?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/22/11 03:04PM

In your breezy Friday media column: Conde Nast forsakes its hasty iPad pursuits, Fred Dicker's still alive, journalists meet Tumblr, TV networks approach pseudoevent overload week, and the AP and its union strike a deal.

The Today Show Has Been No. 1 for 800 Freaking Weeks in a Row

Hamilton Nolan · 04/21/11 02:00PM

In your breezy Thursday media column: the Today Show wins television forever, the NYT hopes its paywall rises higher than its ad revenue falls, Vivian Schiller warns NPR, Time puts random media people on a list, and Mediaite rules.

New Improved Adweek Debuts With Typo on the Cover

Hamilton Nolan · 04/19/11 02:00PM

In your neverending Tuesday media column: Adweek messes up, Reuters beefs up, the Pulitzers toughen up, Tribune Co. is screwed up, and Glenn Greenwald is all hooked up.

Pentagon Shockingly Sides With General Over Reporter They Hate

Hamilton Nolan · 04/18/11 02:00PM

In your money Monday media column: the Pentagon sides with a general over Rolling Stone, The New Yorker's boring Facebook success, Sidney Harman's unfortunate goodbye column, Les Moonves is overpaid, Glenn Beck is moving, and a history of Fox.

Malcolm X Still Able to Cause Minor Media Uproar

Hamilton Nolan · 04/15/11 02:00PM

In your finally Friday media column: Malcolm X's newest media controversy, Vegan mag in meaty photo flap, Anderson Cooper has a nice room, tabloid phone-hacking scandal updates, Graydon Carter's in the movies, and Bob Woodward creeps towards old codger territory.

What's Next for Newsweek?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/13/11 02:40PM

In your wet Wednesday media column: Newsweek's suddenly cloudy future, CNN would like some black viewers, Univision eyes cable news, the AP's union negotiations drag on, and a sad NPR Twitter addict.

Pecker-Loving Star Editor Fired by Pecker

Hamilton Nolan · 04/13/11 08:46AM

Earlier this year, we heard rumors of a revolt brewing among dissatisfied employees at AMI, publisher of Star and The National Enquirer. This prompted every last AMI editor and executive to email us, insisting in the most strenuous terms that AMI is just fine! For example, Star editor Candace Trunzo (pictured, at left) wrote, "What revolt? This is a crock! Your source clearly has an axe to grind. At Star, we are committed to the magazine, AMI and most especially David. He is a superb leader!"