
Magic Mike’s Cody Horn Is the New Tori Spelling

Rich Juzwiak · 07/02/12 01:45PM

Twenty-four-year-old model/actress Cody Horn plays Channing Tatum's love interest in Magic Mike, and she is terrible enough to do major damage on the film's pacing and energy. She is one big suck every time she's onscreen, and she's onscreen a lot. It seems ridiculous that someone so inept would have landed such a high-profile role and get to kiss on something as plump and hitmaking as Channing Tatum's pair of lips and get paid for it.

Apparently She Found 'The Swimming Pool Library' Too Trite and Self-Indulgent

abalk2 · 01/03/07 05:45PM

Ah, the "Books I recommend" post. What better way to give your readers a sense of who you are, how literature has shaped and informed your life, and what words and stories move you. The list you see above comes from a relatively new blog, but we're sure you'll agree that these two selections show a person of culture, refinement, and genuine class. The reader in question? Step forward Ivanka Trump. What other surprises lie in store at her blog? You'll just have to explore for yourself, because, come on, our whole goddamned day is spent between the Tinz and the 'Toos. Cut us some goddamn slack already.