
So, Philippe Reines Sent Us an Email

J.K. Trotter · 03/04/15 01:30PM

Philippe Reines, the longtime aide to Hillary Clinton, sent Gawker a long note last night after a reporter for the Washington Free Beacon, C.J. Ciaramella, emailed him about an article of ours concerning his and other Clinton staffers’ use of a private email accounts to conduct official State Department business. The entire exchange, including our response at the very bottom, can be found below. We’ll keep you posted if Reines writes back. (Update: Reines responded; see below).

Responses to Emails About Our Definitive Scientific Ranking of Sports and Fitness Activities

Hamilton Nolan · 02/10/12 05:30PM

Earlier this week we brought you the Definitive Ranking of Each and Every Sport and Fitness Activity. We noted at the time that there is no appealing the rankings, because they are based on a very complex scientific formula that we won't go into here because it's probably over your head. Nevertheless, we received feedback on the list, in the form of emails from people with poor reading comprehension.

'I Hope You Get Hit By a Bus': Readers Respond to Our Guide to Tim Tebow

Max Read · 01/12/12 02:36PM

Our new editor A.J. Daulerio—who would know—tells me that every time you write about Broncos quarterback and Filipino mohel Tim Tebow, you get a big response. He's right: after yesterday's "A Non Sports Fan's Guide to Tim Tebow," a lot of people in Colorado and Florida (and one guy in Australia) responded to let me know in no uncertain terms that I am an "entry level writer" and a "whiny little bitch." I've got a selection here.

Dear Mr. Soros

cityfile · 04/20/09 09:23AM

We occasionally get emails (or actual mail) from people looking to pass a message to one of the people profiled on this site. Normally we'd just delete the message and move on, but we'd really hate to think that George Soros would miss out on a "fantastic" investment opportunity, especially when guaranteed moneymakers are so few and far between these days. If anyone at Soros Fund Management happens to be reading this, you'll find the details on "the ultimate deal" courtesy of a man named "Benny Q." after the jump. If you're intrigued and dying to connect with Benny to hear more, contact us and we'll put y'all in touch.

From The Mailbag: We Are Not Robert De Niro

mark · 08/26/05 02:49PM

This nice note, inexplicably sent to our "tips" e-mail but addressed to onetime acting legend Robert De Niro, landed in our inbox early this morning. We felt it would be irresponsible not to pass it on, hoping that someone can help direct it to its intended recipient: