
What Do You Really Want for Christmas?

Brian Moylan · 11/26/10 04:05PM

Since it's Black Friday, people are probably already pestering you about what gifts you want for Christmas. You'll ask for some small things, but what's on your real list? What items are too inappropriate to ask for?

13 Blogs You're Not Reading

lock · 12/19/06 07:32PM

LOCKHART STEELE — Rounding out an admittedly East Coast-centric day on Valleywag, we emailed a group of NYC internerds and asked them to tell us about the more obscure blogs they're most enjoying these days. (Yes, we're ripping off finding inspiration from Fimoculous blogger Rex Sorgatz's Best Blogs of 2006 You're Not Reading post from a few weeks back.) Feast on the flotsam, after the jump.