
Hamilton Nolan · 11/12/14 09:16AM

Few things capture the grandness and blandness of modern day Manhattan better than the unveiling of the "World's tallest Holiday Inn."

Helmet-Cam Video Shows How Much It Sucks to Get Doored on Your Bike

Andy Cush · 09/12/14 11:06AM

Getting doored—that is, having a driver or passenger open a car's door into you as you ride by—is a constant, looming threat for urban cyclists. The point-of-view video above, shot near New York City's Union Square, shows exactly what it's like when it happens, but the real drama comes after the crash.

Hamilton Nolan · 08/29/14 08:16AM

The resale value of Manhattan condos rose to a record high last month, which is of no concern to the sort of people who might consider purchasing a Manhattan condo in the first place.

$110 Million Apartment Probably Has Nice View

Hamilton Nolan · 06/02/14 08:37AM

In the world of Manhattan real estate, you have to go big to make a splash. No longer will anyone be impressed by your meager $98 million apartment purchase. Nine-figure apartment prices are the new eight-figure apartment prices.

Smug Manhattanites Will Outlive You

Hamilton Nolan · 07/19/13 08:10AM

Manhattan residents have an odd tendency of thinking they are "better" than everyone else in their city, state, nation, and planet, just because they live in the borough "where it all happens," or some other falsehood that hasn't been true since Woody Allen's heyday. Sadly, they have a point.

Can You Afford the Rent in Manhattan? (No)

Hamilton Nolan · 10/11/12 08:55AM

How did you do financially last year? Very well, I hope, because rent in Manhattan, where all the breathless American dreamers yearn to live and "make something of themselves," rose 10% last year. The median rent in Manhattan is $3,200.