
My 14-Hour Search for the End of TGI Friday's Endless Appetizers

Caity Weaver · 07/18/14 08:05AM

What if I told you that mozzarella sticks never had to end? That for $10, you could eat for free (for $10) for the rest of your natural life? That there exists a spot in the space-time continuum in which it is always Friday? That there are free refills on all Slushes™ excluding Red Bull® branded items?

Sarah Palin's Marathon Time Was Two Minutes Faster Than Paul Ryan's

Taylor Berman · 09/03/12 03:45PM

It was bad enough that Paul Ryan compulsively lied about his marathon time, but now comes word that, among recent vice-presidential candidates who ran marathons, Ryan is only the third fastest. John Edwards posted the fastest time at three hours and thirty minutes. Impressive, if not super surprising; you don't get to be as monstrously vain and awful as him without a masochistic workout regimen. The real surprise here, though – and the one sure to sting the most to Ryan – is the report that former Alaska Governor and current reality TV matriarch Sarah Palin ran a marathon in three hours and fifty-nine minutes, a full two minutes faster than Ryan's time.

Sugary Breakfast Cereals Linked to Cool Parents

Hamilton Nolan · 12/07/11 02:55PM

Sugar cereal! Plan B! Nocturnal diabetes! Elderly presidents! Breast cancer! Parkinson's dancing! Bedbug breeding! Marathon hearts! And America's most and least healthy states, revealed! It's your Wednesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—grrrrreatly!

Guy Who Live-Sketched N.Y. Marathon While Running It Is Doubly Impressive

Max Read · 11/06/11 04:08PM

Live-streaming? Boring. Live-Tweeting? Laaaame. Live-sketching is where it's at, kids! Christoph Niemann, who draws a fantastic column for The New York Times Magazine, just finished live-sketching the New York City Marathon as he ran it—meaning that he's both a more talented artist than you and in better shape. You can take a look back through his marker—and, for the last couple miles, paint—renditions at his Twitter accounts @AbstractSunday and @AbstractSunday1. Neimann didn't stop to do these drawings (though we bet he slowed down for the hard stuff)—we're told he was practicing for months to get the hang of sketching and running simultaneously. (We've been practicing for years and we can barely run, period, so we're in awe). [NYTM, @AbstractSunday]

You Don't Have to Get Old But You Do Have to Die

Hamilton Nolan · 11/04/11 03:28PM

Drug approval! Earthquake danger! Child risks! Ending aging! Cancer marathon! Texas therapy! Pneumonia vaccination! Robot walking! And a whole new way of looking at regulation! It's your Friday Health Watch, where we watch your health—with a heavy heart!

Voracious Americans Demand More Calories in Snak Paks

Hamilton Nolan · 04/21/11 02:53PM

Cookie monsters! Fewer french fries! Cancer exercise! Lo-carb crapola! Dumb dieters! Daniel Baldwin's workout! Grip strength! Dip belts! Inspirational marathoners! And a NYSC dance instructor must be rehired at once! It's your Thursday Fitness Watch, where we watch fitness—feverishly!

Man Runs 365 Marathons in 365 Days

Max Read · 02/07/11 02:12AM

On Saturday, 49-year-old Belgian runner Stefaan Engels completed his 365th marathon. In a row. That's 9,569 miles in seven different countries, averaging about four hours a marathon. Dude: There are easier ways to get book deals.

Japanese Runner Makes Wrong Turn at the End of a Marathon

Matt Cherette · 01/04/11 08:27PM

Well, this is unfortunate! Here's a video of the final seconds of last weekend's Tokyo-Hakone relay marathon. Watch as—with less than 200 meters to go—longtime frontrunner Natsuki Terada makes an accidental wrong turn and loses the race. Ouch.

Watch 45,000 People Run a Marathon in Under Two Minutes

Brian Moylan · 11/08/10 05:57PM

It took the runners hours to finish, but thanks to this MTA time-lapse video, you can watch the joggers in yesterday's NYC Marathon begin the race by crossing the Verrazano bridge in no time at all. Participation is overrated anyway.

Lazy Running or Hard Running Will Kill You

Hamilton Nolan · 03/18/10 10:31AM

When you go to work out should you be all focused and intense and hardcore, or should you just be flipping through some magazine on the elliptical, while sexting? Well, look at it this way: Do you want to die?