
'Page Six' On Margaret Cho: Well, They Nailed the "Chubby-Cheeked" Part

Emily Gould · 11/24/06 10:25AM

The lead item in today's Page Six quotes embattled hip hop diva Foxy Brown as saying that "everyone reads Page Six with a grain of salt." Omg, how dare she? Everyone knows that Page Six is a totally infallible record of truth. Except, of course, when it comes to easily factcheckable details like which Wilson bro has a funny nose and whether or not gay icon comedy stars are, themselves, gay. To wit: In another item today, about Margaret Cho's election to venerable San Francisco-based sex toy emporium Good Vibration's board of directors, Cho is id'd as "the chubby-cheeked lesbian comic." Hmm. We had kind of always thought, based on every stand up routine of hers we've ever seen, that Cho was a fan of both the pole and the hole. Confirmation was sought and found at a funny website that called U.S. Asians ("Margaret Cho. A Funny Lady and she is Korean?!?!?!), and the part in her Wikipedia entry that says she's married to a dude. We're going to go ahead and say that Page Six called this one wrong. Perhaps Foxy, in spite of being deaf and apparently kind of dumb, got the grain of salt thing right. You know, maybe.