Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Installed a Nursery in Her Office
Maggie Lange · 02/26/13 01:21PM
Last Friday, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer pissed everyone off when she banned her employees from working remotely. Yahoo's working mothers were particularly disgruntled by this change of policy, especially because they don't think that Mayer understands their needs (even though Mayer is a working mother herself).
No More Working From Home for Yahoo Employees
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 02/23/13 04:45PM
When Marissa Mayer took over as CEO of Yahoo, she was tasked with turning around a fading Internet giant. Yesterday, she got rid of one of the best perks of a job in the tech world — working from home. In a bid to promote productivity and collaboration between employees, head of Human Resources Jackie Reses outlined why lying in your underwear, balancing your laptop on your growing midsection, while stuffing your face with a mix of M&M's and Cheerios was just not going to cut it anymore as proper workplace etiquette:
New Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Is Pregnant
Adrian Chen · 07/17/12 10:37AMGoogle's Most Glamorous Employee Now Head of World's Least Glamorous Company
Adrian Chen · 07/16/12 04:55PM
Google VP Marissa Mayer has appeared in Vogue and Glamour; she shut down a good portion of San Francisco in order to install a massive Dale Chihuly glass sculpture in her home, where she hosted legendary ragers. Now, after 13 years at Google, she's been tapped as CEO of drab content chum bucket Yahoo.
How a Google Diva Ruined Rush Hour
Ryan Tate · 07/14/11 12:22PM
Marissa Mayer has a knack for summoning helpers, whether it's The Killers to her wedding, a Vogue photographer to her office, or Lady Gaga to her stage. But Google's know-it-all fashionbot outdid herself when she convinced police to block a key San Francisco artery during rush hour so she could upgrade her opulent penthouse.
Lady Gaga Googles Herself
Adrian Chen · 03/23/11 09:59AMGoogler's Barely-Legal Party Scandal
Ryan Tate · 06/07/10 02:06PMGoogle's Chief of Fabulous Opens a Disco — In His Penthouse
Ryan Tate · 02/08/10 05:45PMGoogle Princess Opens Up to Vogue on Her Fairy Tale Wedding
Ryan Tate · 12/15/09 11:30AMWhat We Know (So Far) about Google's Royal Wedding
Ryan Tate · 12/14/09 05:36PMGoogle Phones Too Geeky for Google's Fahionista
Ryan Tate · 12/09/09 03:17PMIs Google's Cupcake Princess Planning to Electronically Track Her Wedding Guests?
Ryan Tate · 12/07/09 01:56PMGoogle CEO: Secrets Are for Filthy People
Ryan Tate · 12/04/09 04:48PMThe Google Princess' Fairy Tale Wedding
Ryan Tate · 11/16/09 02:41PMThe Time Marissa Mayer Invented Google
Ryan Tate · 11/09/09 08:09PMA Top Googler's Ominous Radio Fight
Ryan Tate · 11/05/09 02:01PMMarissa Mayer, Temptress of Google
Ryan Tate · 10/22/09 07:56PM"Marissa unintentionally encourages promiscuity," managing editor Robert Thomson said. Uh, really? Yes! Since the font used to attribute quotes on this Google News page is too small for Thomson's taste, search chief Mayer is encouraging "digital disloyalty" among readers who are the actual legal property of the Wall Street Journal.