
Facebook faces "60 Minutes" inquisition

Owen Thomas · 11/29/07 03:41PM

Facebook has bigger problems than the possibility of an FTC inquiry. 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl recently visited the company's Palo Alto offices, says Kara Swisher of AllThingsD. According to Swisher, Stahl interviewed CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Chris Kelly, the network's chief privacy officer. Which can only mean one thing: A major exposé on Facebook coming soon on the hard-hitting CBS news show. Don't think it's serious?

Sean Parker was kicked out of Facebook for cocaine-related arrest

Megan McCarthy · 11/28/07 07:05PM

There was a rumor floating around last year that Valley bad boy Sean Parker was forced out of startup Plaxo for a cocaine arrest. Turns out that rumor wasn't exactly true. According to a transcription of Mark Zuckerberg's deposition from the ConnectU v. Facebook case, it was Facebook, not Plaxo, which dropped Peter Thiel's protégé from its executive ranks after Parker was arrested for possession while at a house party. A house party Parker attended with a female Facebook employee who was also a Stanford undergrad at the time. Parker earlier told Valleywag that the arrest was "a misunderstanding." We'll say.

Court talk sheds light on Facebook founder fight

Megan McCarthy · 11/28/07 04:43PM

We love legal proceedings. Statements are on the record, accessible to the public, and presumably truthful, since it's a crime to lie to the court. As supporting evidence for their sordid story of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's college days, Harvard-alum mag 02138 posted a series of court documents, including the transcript of Zuckerberg's deposition in one of the ConnectU lawsuits, and boy, is it a gem. The first tidbit: Mark Zuckerberg consides Eduardo Saverin a Facebook cofounder, along with Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskovitz. Or considered him one, during the April 2006 deposition. More recently, when we asked Facebook who its founders were in July, Eduardo was missing from the official list. No wonder: As 02138 revealed, Saverin, too, is suing Zuckerberg.

Facebook founder's sordid college days

Owen Thomas · 11/26/07 07:26PM

02138, an independent magazine for Harvard alumni, has done an in-depth profile of Harvard dropout Mark Zuckerberg and the on-campus origins of Facebook. There's plenty on the lawsuit filed by the Winklevoss twins and ConnectU, the Facebook rival for which Zuckerberg did some programming work. But the magazine digs deeper and gets some tantalizing details. Did you know that Facebook cofounder Eduardo Saverin and Zuckerberg sparred over money, and Saverin is suing Zuckerberg for squeezing him out of the company? Or that fellow Harvard alums Sanjay Mavinkurve, Joe Jackson, and Victor Gao also did programming for ConnectU — and thereby might have a claim to the title of wannabe Facebook founders? Aaron Greenspan, whose HouseSystem social network may have inspired Zuckerberg, also makes an appearance. Zuckerberg didn't speak to the magazine for the story, but his response to Harvard's Administrative Board still rings true today.

Facebook to users: quit fooling around and cooperate already

Nicholas Carlson · 11/26/07 05:30PM

Facebook's new ad products haven't exactly taken off. Last week joined the FTC in expressing concern over the social network's ad targeting. A brand manager told us that, compared to using Google's search marketing, Facebook ads required a lot of work, for not much payoff. Coca-Cola's brand page, for example, has under 1,000 fans. And finally, there's evidence that Facebook's flyers don't earn many clicks (unless they're porn). Users don't seem too interested in playing along with Facebook's grand plans. So what's a $15 billion social network trying to take over the world to do?

Zuckerberg responds to death threats with huge men

Nicholas Carlson · 11/21/07 12:33PM

Facebook got you down? Don't even think about targeting the Zuck for physical retribution. A source familiar with the matter tells Radar the Facebook CEO added new bodyguards to his entourage recently. "He's been getting lots of death threats of late," the source said.

Report: Facebook acquires Chinese social network

Nicholas Carlson · 11/19/07 12:24PM

Facebook has purchased Chinese social network for $85 million, according to reports. Facebook has yet to confirm the news, though an unnamed PR flack told the Times of London that Zhanzuo's chief executive Jack Zhang and Mark Zuckerberg know each other and that official news should be expected by the end of the month. has 7 million active members and is reportedly popular among students. Meanwhile, now we have at least one theory why Facebook feels comfortable allowing employers to spy on their employees' private profiles. Facebook could just be preparing to operate in the People's Republic of China, where your privacy really is an illusion. Update: Facebook denies the report.

LinkedIn growth outpacing Facebook

Nicholas Carlson · 11/16/07 03:10PM

Quietly useful social network LinkedIn outgrew Facebook from October 2006 to October 2007, according to numbers from Nielsen/NetRatings. In that year, Facebook grew 125 percent to LinkedIn's 189 percent. Too bad LinkedIn CEO Dan Nye, who's been hinting at an eventual IPO, can't come close to matching Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Steve Jobs impersonations. Proclaiming your company will change media for the next 100 years will get you laughed at on Valleywag. Laughed at all the way to a $15 billion valuation.

Thou shalt have no other gods before Mark Zuckerberg

Megan McCarthy · 11/09/07 06:01PM

Well, these Facebook pages for celebrities and products are really going to work out well, now, aren't they? You can now become a fan of "God," a move which is going to thoroughly delight Campus Crusaders everywhere. But get ready for some holy wars. There are, as of this post, three different gods to choose from. This is a violation of the First Commandment. But even worse? It's a violation of Facebook's terms of service.

Paul Boutin · 11/09/07 12:48PM

"Once every hundred years, a Harvard man gets his facts right." — An MIT student's take on Zuckerberg's Law, as proclaimed by the Facebook founder this week.

Rupert on MySpace: "Any fear is misplaced"

Nicholas Carlson · 11/08/07 12:18PM

Ad executives spent Tuesday evening telling me that Facebook's advertising innovations have "blown MySpace out of the water," to quote one source. But you won't catch News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch acting like he's been left high and dry, at least not publicly. Reporting News Corp.'s third-quarter earnings yesterday, Murdoch said "any fear [about MySpace] is misplaced." Why? According to reports, Murdoch told analysts Facebook isn't a social network like MySpace, it's a utility. "Like a phonebook."

Zuckerberg's Law: "Once every hundred years media changes."

Paul Boutin · 11/08/07 08:19AM

He's never going to live it down. Otherwise likable Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's ludicrous pronouncement is on its way to becoming his I-invented-the-Internet tagline. Why? Because he made the mistake of proclaiming Zuck's Law to a roomful of very senior people who work in — you got it — media. Mistaking his audience for Web 2.0 fanboys, Zuckerberg turned his big moment into a running joke among reporters and publicists alike. I heard it repeated several times at last night's San Francisco book party for Fake Steve author Dan Lyons. You know: "Once every hundred years, Forbes picks up the tab," etc. I'm pretty sure Zuckerberg didn't write the doofy line himself. But when you're CEO, you needn't parrot your publicists. My advice? Mark, don't take it back. Instead, repeat it over and over. Convince a critical mass of A-listers to abandon their blogs in favor of Facebook profiles, the new media for a new century. Here's a helpful hint: Some of those guys can be bought. (Photo by AP/Craig Ruttle)

Founders Club, MC Hammer take over SNL studios

Nicholas Carlson · 11/07/07 01:00PM

Digital media types here in New York are always looking for a reason to celebrate their own achievements. A couple of months ago, a few of them began calling themselves the Founders Club and decided to start holding mixers around town. Last night, NBC hosted the latest in the series on the set of Saturday Night Live. Who showed? Mostly wantrepreneurs looking for a VC teat to suckle, of course. But I also ran into Digg CEO Jay Adelson, pictured above; a definitely not-pictured angel Ron Conway, who dodged my camera; a Facebook "founder"; and MC Hammer.

Mark Zuckerberg loves Facebook's new ads, hopes you do too

Jordan Golson · 11/06/07 09:19PM

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg thinks that the new ad pages are "beautiful" and make him "very happy". We suspect it could look like dogshit and he'd still be "very happy" now that he's worth $5 billion — on paper, anyway. Unfortunately for Facebook's 50 million users, they won't be able to opt out of viewing the new ads, even if they disagree with Zuckerberg. He did hint that an opt-out system was a possibility if users were pissed off enough. He quickly implemented privacy features after Facebook's news feed was introduced and furious users complained about the privacy implications. We suspect complaints will surface again once the average user notices what's going on. Anyone up for starting 1 Million Strong Against SocialAds?

Today is the day for Facebook SocialAds

Nicholas Carlson · 11/06/07 11:52AM

HELL'S KITCHEN, MANHATTAN — Today Silicon Valley's favorite pair of Adidas sandals will finally take to Madison Avenue as Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg & Co. plan to debut SocialAds, an ad network which will run behavioral-targeted ads on and off

"Golden Nasty" and other queries you don't want to share

Nicholas Carlson · 11/02/07 04:22PM

Remember Hakia? It's the here-today, likely-gone-tomorrow search engine which allows users to meet other users searching for the same topic. A frightening feature, to be sure. But it'd be worse if Hakia members actually had to meet each other in person. Starting with the obvious, here is a list of queries whose searchers you don't want to meet. (Or maybe you do. Pervert.)