
You May Have Already Won Admission to Our Mediocre School!

Hamilton Nolan · 01/26/10 09:34AM

Desperate colleges are now sending out applications with the info all filled in—all you do is sign! No essay or application fee required! This way they guarantee themselves first crack at America's laziest illiterates who can pay tuition. [NYT]

Guerrilla Marketing Gone Bad

cityfile · 01/22/10 02:53PM

Those really annoying trucks that drive around, clog up city streets, and serve no other purpose than to expose you to some dumb ad? They're getting an upgrade. Taking a cue from those horrific RVs that Lubavitch Jews use to proselytize with, the "mobile billboards" will soon blast music as they drive around town.

Celebrate the New Year With Fitness Failure

Hamilton Nolan · 01/11/10 04:13PM

It is the new year which means it's time for you to go on an unsuccessful diet, America! Let us survey the landscape of sure-to-fail fitness ideas rolling out (ha) soon. Select a few and promptly abandon them!

cityfile · 12/30/09 03:26PM

• You may not be able to tune into Fox as of tomorrow. The feud between News Corp. and Time Warner Cable has yet to be resolved, and if a deal isn't reached in the next day, you'll have to go elsewhere for your Simpsons reruns. [THR]
• There was no Christmas miracle for Harvey and Bob Weinstein this year. With Nine underperforming at the box office since its release two weeks ago, the brothers are now on the hunt for more cash to stay solvent. [Reuters, NYP]
• Condé Nast's war on the mystery hackers who managed to infiltrate the company's computer system in recent months is intensifying. [NYP]
• Remember when magazine readers would write letters to the editor? It turns out it isn't the most popular communication channel these days. [WWD]
• Susan Boyle is still No. 1 on the music charts. Well done, America. [EW]
• Sex doesn't sell when it comes to marketing movies. Allegedly. [CNN]

Yogurt: The Creamy Killer

Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/09 11:37AM

Well well, if it isn't the Federal Trade Commission, deciding now—after all American children have already starred on 'The Biggest Loser'—that there should be some rules about marketing unhealthy foods to kids. What foods? You will be amazed!

J&R Prepares to Piss Off Half of NYC

cityfile · 12/04/09 12:11PM

If you love the fact that local Chinese restaurants shove dozens of menus under your door every day, you're going to be overjoyed by J&R's new marketing campaign. The electronics giant is printing up fake menus advertising its same-day delivery service which it's planning to distribute by having them placed under the doors of unsuspecting New Yorkers. Let's hope this doesn't start a trend. [Copyranter]

Everybody Mad at Dolls, Cartoons

Hamilton Nolan · 12/03/09 12:31PM

We like to "jest" with the advertising industry about how stupid and evil they are, but the truth is that marketing is not easy. Today in Fuzzy Public Outrage: Dolls are racist, and soap bubbles are rapists.

The New AOL (Or Aol.)

cityfile · 11/23/09 09:50AM

When you hear "AOL," you think of the dial-up Internet service that your elderly aunt still uses, right? Prepare for all of that to change! Now that AOL is being spun off by Time Warner, it's developed a new logo, dropping the all-caps and going with "Aol." which, in case you missed it, tacks on a period after the letters. America's perceptions will shift in no time! [PaidContent, WSJ/Digits]

Donald Trump To Rescue You, Him

cityfile · 11/20/09 01:57PM

Because he's the embodiment of healthy living and good nutrition, Donald Trump is getting into the vitamin business. He isn't selling any vitamins though. It's a multi-level marketing scheme, which means Trump will be making money by getting other people to pay him for the right to sell Trump-branded (and gold-colored?) vitamins.