
You Can Buy Bruce Lee's Old Workout Crap Right Now

Hamilton Nolan · 10/25/13 10:43AM

Right this very minute, you can navigate to a website and place a bid for a chance to own an authentic old jumprope or dirty pair of sneakers or even a punching bag, punched by the actual fists of Bruce Lee.

Hard in Seoul

Max Read · 10/04/10 11:05PM

[A South Korean policeman breaks stone plates with his head during a demonstration for a successful G20 Seoul Summit. The G20 summit will be held in Seoul from November 11 to 12. Pic via AP.]

Australian Ninjas Foil Robbery

Max Read · 05/20/10 01:15AM

Three would-be muggers attempting to rob a German exchange student in Sydney were foiled by, uh, ninjas. You know. Like the turtles. The lesson, obviously, is "Don't mug people outside a goddamn ninja school." [Sydney Morning Herald]

Overweight Karate: The Last Taboo

Hamilton Nolan · 01/21/10 03:28PM

Nat Geo has a fine television show called Taboo, which last night explored the American obesity epidemic. It included a segment on the 'Miss Plus America' pageant. One contestant's skill was karate. Here, a clip of that skill. Taboo: destroyed.

Ninja Wannabe Hits His Nunchuck with a Nunchuck

Sergio Hernandez · 11/19/09 02:00PM

A Stupid Teenage Ninja Wannabe decided to show off with a pair of nunchucks, a stunt which resulted — predictably — in some serious testicular pain. Cowabunga, dude.