
PR Dummies: 'Attack of the Man-Boobs'

Hamilton Nolan · 02/17/12 12:21PM

The public relations industry is the sports bra of professions: outwardly flattering, but sweaty, oppressive, and unsexy beneath the surface. This is PR Dummies. The worst of the worst, every week.

Starbucks Caters to Milquetoast America

Hamilton Nolan · 10/19/11 09:15AM

There are more Starbucks coffee shops in America than there were voters in the last presidential election (probably). Starbucks is America. Or, more accurately, Starbucks shapes America into its own image: a nation of the types of people who love Starbucks.

Are Pumpkin Spice Lattes Destroying Our Nation's Manhood?

Hamilton Nolan · 09/19/11 12:00PM

Jim Romenesko is retiring from his gig as America's most influential media blogger, but have no fear: he's still running Starbucks Gossip, the obsessive Starbucks-covering site which he also inexplicably runs! And he's taking on the question foremost in the mind of every normal, masculine, red-blooded, suburban, flavor-loving American man this Halloween season: does this Pumpkin Spice Latte make me a bitch?

How Advertisers Market to Boys and Girls

Max Read · 04/10/11 03:48PM

The Achilles Effect, a blog about gender stereotypes and masculinity, took stock of the frequency with which certain words are used in commercials for "gendered" toys like Hot Wheels and Bratz by making Wordle word clouds. See if you can guess which cloud goes with which gender! (Hint: Boys hate friendship, fun and glitter.) [Achilles Effect via Boing Boing]

British Teen Boys Just Can't Stop Kissing Each Other

Richard Lawson · 10/28/10 11:43AM

In a new study done by a sociologist at Bath University, 89% of straight-identifying high school and university boys said they had kissed male friends. 37% had experienced "sustained" kissing with male friends. What the bloody 'ell is going on?

The Hunky He-Men of the Great Recession

Adrian Chen · 10/16/10 01:24PM

Attention, men: "The twink thing seems over," declares GQ editor Jim Nelson in a New York Times article this weekend. That's right, it's time to ditch that slender, waif-like frame and pick up some biceps at the muscle store.

Dudes Have All Types of Excuses for Wearing Makeup

Hamilton Nolan · 09/02/10 11:55AM

Men use cosmetics these days. Okay, fine. "Do you!" as we always exclaim, followed by a Z-shaped pattern of finger snaps. Unfortunately, guys seem to have a bit of a problem owning up to their makeup fetish.

Modern Male Role Models: The Superhero and the Slacker

Max Read · 08/15/10 09:51PM

Young boys only have two models of masculinity, according to a University of Massachusetts psychologist: Violent, misogynistic superheroes or lazy, funny slackers. What does this mean, for the future of the U.S.? Why, a nation filled with bloggers wearing costumes!

Men Victimized by Low Diaper Expectations

Hamilton Nolan · 06/23/10 08:20AM

Are men capable of dealing with a child's poop? Despite strong warnings from wise men that only women have the inborn baby poop-handling gene, Pampers is now trying to pawn off its dirty product on fathers. They're not doing well.