
Lohan Must Answer For Fur Snatching In Court

Ryan Tate · 05/19/08 10:08PM

Lindsay Lohan is being sued over that incident in which she left a nightclub wearing someone else's blonde fur coat, a coat she had not been wearing previously, and that the owner did not give her permission to take. This means Lohan is probably going to have answer uncomfortable questions raised by the situation under oath, assuming she doesn't settle first, which she'll quickly do if she's smart. The owner of the coat, a Columbia University student of Russian extraction, received it as a gift from her grandmother and thought it was lost forever, until she saw paparazzi pictures of Lohan wearing it. She raised a stink, and the $12,000 coat was returned through intermediaries, with no explanation forthcoming. At first she asked for $10,000 compensation for the three weeks the coat was gone, but now she's likely to ask for a six-figure sum, as her attorney vowed earlier this month. If Lohan starts negotiating now, she could probably get that down to something in the mid five-figures, and avoid both a costly court battle and further damage to whatever is left of her acting career. That's, what, a couple of night's worth of coke and bottle service? [Post] (Photo: Splash)

Warning: Do Not Leave Your Fur Coat In The Same Room As Lindsay Lohan

Molly Friedman · 05/06/08 04:00PM

Lindsay Lohan may be headed to the slammer yet again, but this time her crime has nothing to do with cokepants, crashed cars or "adequite" Blackberry manifestos. A Columbia student named Masha Markova has come forward accusing the stunt castette of stealing her $11,000 mink coat during a private party back in January. Before automatically assuming the co-ed is just another crazy kid trying to get their name in the papers, consider her story, as told to the NY Post: