Mark Wahlberg's New Restaurant: Wahlburgers
Maureen O'Connor · 08/25/11 04:10PM
Beefcake brothers create beef cake cafe! Hotties to hawk hamburgers in Hingham. Mark and Donnie Wahlberg recently secured the trademarked name Wahlburgers, which is what they plan to call their 4300-square-foot restaurant in Boston's Hingham Shipyard, where they already have an Italian restaurant called Alma Nove. Well done. [Boston Herald, Wahlberg brothers at a Lakers game via Splash]
The U.S. Census Declares the Gayest City in America
Brian Moylan · 08/22/11 04:32PMDying Man's Husband To Be Deported
Remy Stern · 08/21/11 02:09PMSeven years ago in Massachusetts, Bradford Wells married his long-time partner, Anthony John Makk. They have now been together for 19 years. Sometime this week — by Thursday at the latest — Anthony John Makk will be forcibly removed from the country. He is Australian, and the government has denied him permanent residency. Which it can do, because the federal government doesn't recognize same-sex marriage.
Looking Too Generic Can Cost You Your Driver's License
Lauri Apple · 07/17/11 01:56PMMaking Lobbyists Wear Badges: The New Holocaust?
Jim Newell · 07/01/11 01:18PM
In an effort to tweak its ethics rules following a spate of corruption, the Massachusetts House is considering among other things a requirement that lobbyists wear ID badges in the statehouse if they're "seeking access to House members or staff." This doesn't seem controversial. Then again, maybe it's the Holocaust?
Dead Body Floats Undiscovered in Public Pool for Two Days
Max Read · 06/29/11 06:51PMSchool's out! And what better way to celebrate than with a dip in the pool? Just make sure there aren't any dead bodies floating in it! For two days!
Thieves Attempting to Rob Dunkin Donuts Mistakenly Steal Donuts
Max Read · 06/11/11 11:13AMMassachusetts Wants to Ban Completely Idiotic 'Relaxation Brownies'
Brian Moylan · 05/18/11 03:31PMFake Bin Laden Picture Fools America's Sexiest Senator
Adrian Chen & Max Read · 05/04/11 05:04PM
Turns out that Bin Laden's guards didn't put up much of a fight—and that those helmet cams didn't work very well. Obama won't release Bin Laden's death pic, so a disappointed nation drowns their bloodlust in fakes. The SEALS that did the deed remain in hiding, and the crazy Bin Laden hunter wants his reward. It's day three of our post-Osama world, with updates.
Senator Will Train in Afghanistan
Jim Newell · 05/02/11 02:17PMDamaged House Magically Calls 911 for Help
Max Read · 04/30/11 11:03AMAndrew Sullivan Loves the Release of a Good Document
John Cook · 04/28/11 03:05PM
Newsweek/Daily Beast celebupundit Andrew Sullivan really, really wants to see Trig Palin's birth certificate, thinks Obama should have released his earlier, and has lots of righteous things to say about how real reporters demand to see documents. Funny thing—we're trying to get documents about you, Andrew! Care to help?