
Fort Polio Highlights For Kids

Hamilton Nolan · 02/28/08 03:49PM

GOOFUS (Matthew Cooper) begins his article on Obama's economic plan by admitting that it's not really any different from Hillary Clinton's, thereby undermining his whole story from the start. "So when I sat down to write about Obamanomics, it struck me to look at the delivery, not the script," he says, launching into a pointless and unverifiable riff about his own thoughts on Obama for the rest of the article, instead of coming up with a better idea. GALLANT (Jesse Eisinger) writes a thoughtful, well argued explanatory piece on the flaws of the municipal-bond insurance market. Turns out it's all a big scam! Even if you're not an insurance fan, this piece is a great primer. Let's all be more like Gallant, shall we?

Free at Last, Free at Last, Thank Scooter Libby Almighty, Judy's Free at Last

Jesse · 09/30/05 09:25AM

At 3:55 p.m. yesterday afternoon, Judith Miller, the New York Times reporter who has spent nearly three months in prison for refusing to testify in the investigation into who leaked the identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame, was released from prison. Miller was released because she has agreed to testify.

Gossip Roundup: Katharine Graham Could've Kicked Norm Pearlstine's Ass

Jessica · 07/21/05 10:40AM

• The Deep Throating trio of Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein, and Ben Bradlee think Time Inc.'s editor-in-chief Norm Pearlstine has half the balls of late WaPo publisher Katharine Graham. Time whipping-boy Matthew Cooper is inclined to agree. [R&M]
• When learning that Glamour magazine is planning an exposé of Scientology with a former Scientologist for its September magazine, the "church" sent a gang of OT-IVs to bully up the Condé Nasties. Let the battle of the cults begin. [Page Six]
• Donald Trump, Jr. is rumored to be shopping around exclusive rights to his November wedding to Vanessa Haydon and looking for around six figures. Like father, like son. [Lowdown]
• Here's a shocker: Journos forced to interview celebrities say the stars don't shine all too brightly. [Page Six]