
Web host experiences temporary truth in advertising

Owen Thomas · 04/22/08 07:20PM

Media Temple, a Web host which counts several prominent bloggers among its clients, offers an accurate description of its service in a recent downtime announcement: "(mt) Media Temple engineers have brought db servers 13-16 back online and apologize for the temporary convenience." True: It would be convenient if more bloggers were brought offline. [Media Temple]

True confessions of the world's busiest websites

Owen Thomas · 03/11/08 04:21PM

Do not want fail? Why then, can has win, say the folks behind the curtains at Flickr, Digg, Media Temple, and StumbleUpon. Six of them showed up at a panel organized by Kevin Rose to explain how to make websites that stay online, more or less. Being a not very clever gossip, I just listened in for the quips. Oh, and the drama. Automattic founder Matt Mullenweg almost didn't make it. Check out how his fellow panelists updated the lineup right before he showed up.