Hamilton Nolan · 08/06/13 02:40PM
Jeff Bezos Is Buying the Washington Post
Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/13 04:04PMThe Not-So-Final Embarrassment of Tina Brown
Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/13 09:01AM
The dessicated, online-only husk of what was once a big magazine called Newsweek has finally been sold off (despite our explicit instructions not to buy it). For editor Tina Brown, it marks the end of a humiliating career defeat. Newsweek's downfall exposed all of Tina Brown's weaknesses, and won't hurt her a bit.
Camille Dodero · 08/02/13 02:45PM
Hamilton Nolan · 08/01/13 04:21PM
Digital Media Surpasses TV as America's Favorite Drug
Hamilton Nolan · 08/01/13 02:14PMPsycho Sex Lady Taking Some Time Off
Hamilton Nolan · 08/01/13 08:20AM
Sad news, chuckleheads: Perma-enraged seething cauldron of bigotry and ill-concealed sexual tension Andrea Peyser, the tabloid columnist who has been a longtime "Gawker favorite" in the same sense that Slobodan Milosevic was a "favorite" of the International Criminal Tribunal, is taking a leave of absence from the New York Post.
Vanity Fair Is as Relevant as Ever
Hamilton Nolan · 07/30/13 11:56AMCord Jefferson · 07/29/13 04:05PM
Here Is the Fourth Known Photo of Fox News Attack Flack Irena Briganti
Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/13 01:52PM
Irena Briganti is the Fox News PR attack dog described as "The Most Vindictive Flack in the Media World," by us. Despite her high profile job and use of the media to smear reporters, Briganti herself takes great pains to keep all information about her out of the public realm. In the spirit of public interest, we present the fourth known photograph of Irena Briganti.
Is Near Death?
Hamilton Nolan · 07/26/13 12:03PMNew York Times Can't Quite Bring Itself to Call Liar a Liar
Hamilton Nolan · 07/23/13 11:18AMCord Jefferson · 07/19/13 07:56PM
Hamilton Nolan · 07/19/13 02:35PM
We Asked Black Kids About Their Futures So Mike Barnicle Won't Have To
Cord Jefferson · 07/18/13 10:23AMOn Tuesday's MSNBC morning kaffeeklatsch, Morning Joe, the shameless and corrupt commentator Mike Barnicle said the following during a group discussion about the Trayvon Martin killing: