
Hamilton Nolan · 08/07/13 10:07AM

At Amazon, Jeff Bezos has no unionized employees. At the Washington Post, he has 1,200.

Hamilton Nolan · 08/06/13 02:40PM

Here is an exhaustive rundown of the shitshow that is the Philadelphia newspaper business. (Including a Jann Wenner-esque owner putting his 20-something child in charge of an entire online operation!)

Jeff Bezos Is Buying the Washington Post

Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/13 04:04PM

Here is what just happened this afternoon, with no warning: Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, whose net worth is estimated to be more than $25 billion, just purchased the Washington Post. By himself. What?

The Not-So-Final Embarrassment of Tina Brown

Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/13 09:01AM

The dessicated, online-only husk of what was once a big magazine called Newsweek has finally been sold off (despite our explicit instructions not to buy it). For editor Tina Brown, it marks the end of a humiliating career defeat. Newsweek's downfall exposed all of Tina Brown's weaknesses, and won't hurt her a bit.

Hamilton Nolan · 08/01/13 04:21PM

The Nation publishes a call for racial and economic diversity in journalism; The Nation's interns respond with a letter to the editor asking for better pay. Zing. Well done, interns. (Step three is going to work for a company that makes more money than The Nation.)

Digital Media Surpasses TV as America's Favorite Drug

Hamilton Nolan · 08/01/13 02:14PM

America is changing. People these days no longer fly Old Glory, eat apple pie, or take their date a-courtin' before copulation. Instead of mom marrying dad, people are marrying gays, or horses. And our national love affair with TV is being replace by blippity-bloopity-interdigital thingamajiggery.

Cord Jefferson · 07/19/13 07:56PM

Nate Silver, the statistics whiz whose political projections kept millions of Democrats from completely losing their shit during the 2012 election cycle, is leaving the New York Times for ESPN.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/19/13 02:35PM

A federal appeals court has ruled that New York Times reporter James Risen must testify in the case of Jeffrey Sterling, a former CIA officer currently on trial for allegedly leaking classified information. Risen has vowed to go to jail, if necessary, to protect his sources.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/17/13 03:58PM

The American Journalism Review is killing its print edition. Sounds like some of that "symbolism" we heard about.

Racial Profiling Is “Common Sense" to Kathleen Parker

Hamilton Nolan · 07/17/13 12:40PM

No matter how great the backlash, the venerable Washington Post is determined to publish explanations from white columnists of why Trayvon Martin's death was actually very understandable. Today: Kathleen Parker says that racial profiling is "common sense." Oh yes.