
Robert Kessler · 01/25/13 05:20PM

Sarah Palin has quit her second job in four years, leaving Fox News. Maverick move. Anyway, more time for shopping.

Hip City USA (Washington DC) Is Finally Getting Credit for Its Hipness

Hamilton Nolan · 01/21/13 09:36AM

The Washington Post has a long and proud journalistic tradition of owning the DC Hipness beat—continuously breaking news on the young, hip vibe of our nation's capital, where conservative and liberal nerds alike can come together to act, apallingly, like children. This eagle-eyed coverage of The Hip is something of which DC—and its hip residents—can be proud. Along with the city's great selection of tapas.

Robert Kessler · 01/20/13 02:25PM

Barbara Walters has been hospitalized after falling on a stair and hitting her head at the British Ambassador's home.

Gawker Is Roughly Ten Years Old (We Think?)

gawker staff · 01/03/13 04:03PM

It is January 3, 2013. We are proud(?) to inform all of you that this website you are now reading ( is now ten years old. Double digits. Fuck.

Hamilton Nolan · 12/31/12 12:55PM

As the Tribune Co. emerges from bankruptcy, heed its lesson: don't put a clown or an asshole in charge of your company.

The Most Popular Avalanche in America

Hamilton Nolan · 12/20/12 11:10AM

On February 19 of this year, there was an avalanche in the Tunnel Creek drainage area of Washington's Stevens Pass ski area. Three skiers were killed. Tragic, but not extraordinary: over the past decade, an average of 25 people per year have been killed in the US in avalanches. In 2011, the death count was 34.

Hubris, High Socks, and other Habits of the Most Powerful People in the World

Hamilton Nolan · 12/13/12 01:15PM

The Masters of the Universe can be identified by their socks. Their millions of dollars, their vast power over commerce, and their socks, which must protrude four inches below the cuff of their suit pants when seated. Any greater length of sock exposure would indicate that the wearer was sitting with his legs crossed. The Masters of the Universe sit with both feet on the floor. These are the alpha dogs.

Hamilton Nolan · 12/10/12 09:59AM

Mike Bloomberg, who can buy anything he wants except the WSJ or NYT, is considering buying the FT. Consolation prize.

Online Paywalls and the Future of Media: A Few Hard Truths

Hamilton Nolan · 12/07/12 12:10PM

Yesterday, both The Daily Beast (or, more accurately, whatever Tina Brown can toss together after they've absorbed the corpse of Newsweek and laid a bunch of people off) and the Washington Post announced that they may be instituting online paywalls in the near future, making readers pay to read more than a handful of articles. In many ways, online paywalls are the future of online media. But that doesn't mean they're going to work for everyone. A few unavoidable facts that media executives should consider:

Suicide Is Not the Media's Fault

Hamilton Nolan · 12/05/12 03:50PM

Last Friday, the Tampa Bay Times published a nuanced and heartbreaking feature story about Gretchen Molannen, a 39 year-old Florida woman with a condition known as "persistent genital arousal." Molannen described how her condition—likened to constant, unceasing physical arousal without any of the accompanying mental or emotional arousal—forced her to masturbate for hours on end and virtually destroyed her personal and professional life. The day after the story was published, Molannen committed suicide. A local blogger says the paper has "blood on its hands." It does not.

Hamilton Nolan · 12/03/12 04:59PM

NY Times restaurant critic Pete Wells admits he is "skeptical of pasta salad." Media bias is everywhere.