
Suits Sell, But Who's Buying? Not Dave Mustaine

A.J. Daulerio · 01/02/13 01:25PM

If you were lolling around the internet during the holidays, many of you probably read Megadeth lead singer Dave Mustaine's bitchy evisceration of suit-merchant Men's Warehouse via his personal Facebook page after they screwed up a gift certificate purchase he made, putting a damper on his gift-giving spirit. The songwriter of neck-snapping ditties like "Wake Up Dead, " "Peace Sells," and, my personal favorite, "Holy Wars...The Punishment Due" showcases his consumer advocacy letter-writing ability of demon-fisted prose like "For almost 9 days now I have been waiting for delivery of this gift certificate, and I wouldn't say anything because it IS the holidays, but these salesmen promised that they would GUARANTEE a two-day delivery of the certificate..." The word guarantee is one Mustaine takes seriously so the lack of follow-through on this promise by Men's Warehouse has aggrieved him so much that he implored all Megadeth fans ("Droogies") to purchase off-the-rack, somewhat-reasonably priced men's apparel elsewhere because Men's Warehouse starts trouble, spreads pain, and has piss and venom in its veins. Yes, holiday bustle aside, they are liars, he says.

The Big Running List of 2012 Metal Endorsements

Max Read · 02/17/12 10:24AM

With the Republican presidential primary still bitterly contested between the four remaining candidates, every last endorsement counts — especially the crucial support of the Big Four of thrash metal: Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, and Anthrax. Megadeth's Dave Mustaine has come out in support of Rick Santorum.