
Ranking Every Movie I Saw This Year

Brian Moylan · 12/28/11 05:01PM

I go to the movies a lot. Just about every week, in fact. Rather than just telling you the best and worst movies of the year, I thought it would be fun to rank every single movie I sat through in a movie theater in 2011. Here's the complete list.

The Gawker Guide to Fall Movies

Richard Lawson · 08/31/11 11:10AM

With the Labor Day holiday approaching, it's becoming sadly clear: Summer is over. It's time to turn to autumnal things. That's not all bad, though! Fall movies, for example, are usually the year's best. Let's take a look at this year's selection, shall we?

Kirsten Dunst, Tree of Life Win at Cannes

Max Read · 05/22/11 02:17PM

Attention, nerds! The Cannes Film Festival held its award ceremony on Sunday, handing Terence Malick's Tree of Life the top prize and giving Kirsten Dunst the Best Actress award for Jumanji.

Lars von Trier's Nazi Comments: The Awkward, Stuttering Video

Maureen O'Connor · 05/19/11 11:39AM

Lars von Trier's trainwreck press conference is the gift that keeps on giving. The Telegraph posted video of von Trier's Nazi meltdown, and it's the second-most awkward press conference footage I have ever seen, right after Gloria Allred's baseball bat masturbation press conference. Seated next to Von Trier, Kirsten Dunst covers her face with her hand and looks mortified. Unless it's leftover mortification from Lars' "really, really, really hardcore" comment?

Melancholia: Kirsten Dunst Sure Is Sad and Naked

Richard Lawson · 04/08/11 02:14PM

Here's a trailer for brutalist director Lars Von Trier's lastest film, a sci-fi flecked drama about a miserable bride and the end of the world. The film actually bills itself on its website as "A beautiful movie about the end of the world." So there. Plus naked Dunst!