
Be Scared: Dick Cheney's Memoir Due in August

Jim Newell · 05/19/11 11:14AM

America's most huggable teddy bear, Dick Cheney, has been working on his memoirs from his CIA-bunker house ever since leaving office. It should have been on bookstore shelves for a year or so by now, former vice president's rather serious heart problems got in the way. But now that's all over! In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir will hit shelves on August 30, so grab your sleeping bags and head over to the nearest bookstore entrance now.

Kara DioGuardi Says She Was Molested

Seth Abramovitch · 04/19/11 03:02AM

In her new memoir, A Helluva High Note, former American Idol judge Kara DioGuardi revealed that she was repeatedly molested at age 11 by a family friend in his late teens. She also mentions a date rape by a famous music producer. Memoirs: They're a helluva way to air out your closet.

Bill Ayers Again 'Admits' He Wrote Barack Obama's Memoir

Jim Newell · 03/28/11 02:40PM

One of the all-time Top Five, or really Top One, Barack Obama conspiracy theories is back in the news! Did you know that Barack Obama's terrorist friend, former Weather Underground member Bill Ayers, secretly ghostwrote the president's memoir, Dreams From My Father? This story has been around for several years and still comically emerges from time to time, like right now. The wingnuts have caught Ayers "admitting" that he wrote Barack Obama's book, again, when he was clearly making fun of them for ever believing something so stupid.

The Unpublished Sarah Palin Tell-All That's Leaked Everywhere

Jim Newell · 02/21/11 01:00PM

Frank Bailey is a former confidante to Sarah Palin. He started off painting her gubernatorial campaign offices as a volunteer in 2005 and left as a top aide in 2009. He was inspired by, loyal to, and probably in love with Palin, based on our reading. But now he hates her! All of this according to his 465-page, tell-all manuscript that's mysteriously leaked to reporters' inboxes everywhere.

Scott Brown Was Sexually Abused by a Camp Counselor

Jim Newell · 02/16/11 04:07PM

Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown's memoir comes out next week, and he'll be interviewed about it on 60 Minutes this week. Among the book's revelations is his admission that he was sexually abused by a camp counselor several times at age 10, and never told anyone. His wife only just found out by reading the book.

Mom's Miscarried Fetus Made George W. Bush Pro-Life

Jim Newell · 11/08/10 01:36PM

What experience made you all pro-life? For beloved former President George W. Bush, it was that time his mama had a miscarriage and showed him the jarred fetus. From then on, Bush knew that he must protect America's fetuses, forever.

Tony Blair Drank Like Crazy While Prime Minister

Jim Newell · 09/01/10 10:36AM

England is merrier than usual today, as ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair's memoir finally hits bookstores! So, is he sorry about Iraq? Did he ever "like-like" the Queen? Many questions remain. Blair makes one thing clear, though: He loved getting drunk.

Here is the Cover for George W. Bush's 'Memoir'

Max Read · 04/26/10 03:05AM

How dumb and lazy is George W. Bush? So dumb and lazy that he can't even write a real memoir! Instead, he will write "an account of key decisions in his life." We have some guesses about what those are.

Naked Senator Is Working on a Memoir

Maureen O'Connor · 03/10/10 01:28AM

Scott Brown, Massachusetts Republican and former Cosmo centerfold, is working on a memoir scheduled to hit shelves in 2011. He may be stuck in Teddy Kennedy's old seat, but he'll become the male Sarah Palin, yet. [AP]