Emily Gould · 06/25/07 10:49AM
Let's Make A Movie!
Balk · 05/24/07 04:50PMLongtime Gawker readers are aware that I've been looking for a way out of here pretty much since the first week I took the job. Last night I had an idea that may just be my ticket out. In part, it was due to you guys; the intense response to the bubonic plague post, combined with my recent viewing of 28 Days Later planted the seed in my head. Zombie flicks are hot right now. I think I've got a special angle on the genre that will make me—and someone with the courage and funding to back it up—enough money that I never have to pretend to care about Conrad Black again. Intrigued? Of course you are. Read on.
Where Deborah Needleman and Jacob Weisberg's Magic Happens
emily · 05/14/07 04:35PMMedia Myths: All the Girls Go Together
Chris Mohney · 09/08/06 03:45PM
Believe it or not, there are certain cavernous depths of bad taste that even we hesitate to spelunk. Such things have their attractions though, just in terms of finding out why an idiotic and/or offensive storyline keeps getting passed around the water cooler. One such chestnut concerns everyone's favorite topic: menstruation. Yes, we're going there.