
Student Sues College for Having Her Committed Over Hidden Cam

John Cook · 01/13/11 04:42PM

Chinemerem Eze, a Nigerian national attending Brooklyn College, believed that her landlord had hidden a camera in her apartment. When she asked school officials for help, they shipped her off to a psychiatric ward. Then she found the camera.

Adam Ant Sent to Loony Bin After Obscene Rant

Maureen O'Connor · 05/21/10 02:07PM

Apparently iconic eighties musician Adam Ant has been sectioned under Britain's Mental Health Act, kind of like the time the hospital put a mental health hold on Britney Spears. The news comes after Adam Ant's curse-strewn stage rant against Christians.

You're Not a Loser, You're Just Sexually Anorexic

Richard Lawson · 03/11/10 10:32AM

You might be. If you have not gotten laid in a while, and haven't really been trying, you could have sexual anorexia, an actual medical problem. This is what world famous celebrity rehabist Dr. Drew tells us this morning anyway.

Naomi Campbell Claims Racist Slur Caused Terror Flight Air Attack

ian spiegelman · 06/21/08 01:30PM

Scary-hot attack doll and terrible person Naomi Campbell says the victims of her latest round of beatings are racists, though she can't or won't identify who supposedly uttered the slur that supposedly sent her into slap-and-throw-things-at-people mode. "British Airways rejected claims of racism on Saturday after supermodel Naomi Campbell, who pleaded guilty to assault in a foul-mouthed 'air rage' incident, said she was likened to a black 'Golliwog' doll during the flight. BA said it did not accept the accusation made by Campbell, who was convicted of assault on Friday and sentenced to 200 hours of unpaid community work, that someone on the flight called her a 'Golliwog supermodel.'"

Ivy League School's Janitors First Line Of Defense Against Student Suicides

Maggie · 12/28/07 12:40PM

Cornell University is training its janitors in the fine art of spotting suicidal college students! "These kids are looking to us to provide care," one such eagle-eyed custodian tells the Wall Street Journal today. "But they don't see administrators every day, they see me." The maintenance worker noticed she was cleaning up one student's vomit on a regular basis and reported the girl might be suffering from an eating disorder. Okay Cornell, we know you're all sensitive about your famous Suicide Ridge and we applaud your efforts at challenging the standard of university mental health care, but come on now! Interfering with the crusade for the perfect spring break Cabo beach bod is just not cool.