
Nightmare Vagina Trend: Luxury Merkins Made of Fur

Maureen O'Connor · 01/17/12 03:24PM

Real Housewives of New York's Cindy Barshop's Completely Bare body waxing salon has come up with the most trivial* use for the fur industry in all of history: "the Foxy Bikini, in which the bikini line is waxed bare and replaced with a pubic wig made from real fox fur." It costs $225, comes in multiple artificial neon hues, and looks like nightmare porno from the id of Dr. Seuss. I hereby dub this monstrous device "furkin." [TMZ]

Relax: McDonald's Global Economic Domination Is Safe

Hamilton Nolan · 09/21/09 12:03PM

There is nothing—nothing—more American than McDonald's. So would weird, less-American competitors please stop trying to overtake McDonald's dominance? Soon, Subway will have more stores than McD's. What pansy message does this send to the world? Americans eat cucumbers?!?