
ABC, Merry Miller, Milking Fifteenth Minute Of Agony

abalk · 08/06/07 02:30PM

Think you could do a better job than "world's worst interviewer" Merry Miller? Unless you have a suppurating neck wound, you probably could! In an attempt to make lemonade out of the lemon that was Merry's interview with Holly Hunter, ABCNewsNow is holding a contest where the "prize" is a guest shot hosting "What's the Buzz," the scene of Merry's famous flameout. As for Merry herself? The "risk-taking businesswoman" is sanguine!

ABC News Now Ready To Laugh About The Merry Miller Debacle

mark · 08/02/07 11:07AM

Unfortunately for Miller and unknown to the crew, her IFB failed before she began speaking with Hunter. Another host might have known to alert the crew about the problem and delay the interview while the technical issues were worked out, but the inexperienced Miller gamely tried to speak with Hunter without hearing her responses.

mark · 07/26/07 03:03PM

Crain's fills us in on the background of viral video's newest breakout star, Merry Miller, the NBC News ABC News personality whose appealingly botched interview of Holly Hunter will probably live on in the YouTubes long after we're all dead: "The same gumption that got Merry Miller a gig playing harp in a Dallas club when she was only 14 allows her to talk celebrities like Harrison Ford, P. Diddy and Joe Torre into teaching courses at The Learning Annex. The former Miss Dallas, who grew up in tiny Mesquite, Texas, has a list of contacts that's the envy of networking professionals all over town." [Crain's]