
Stoker Is a Vampire Movie Without the Vampires

Rich Juzwiak · 03/01/13 11:36AM

Somewhere in Stoker's gorgeous heap of near-absurd imagery, jaw-dropping transitions, domestic melodrama, and suggestive narrative half-threads is a metaphor for the career of its South Korean director Park Chan-wook. In staggers, loops and layers, Stoker's story follows the passage into adulthood of India Stoker (gangled by Mia Wasikowska, whose obsessive performance warrants obsession) while wondering, in an elliptical and inconclusive sort of way, if she is innately evil.

Leonardo DiCaprio Tops the List of 2010's Highest Grossing Actors

Brian Moylan · 12/21/10 12:26PM

Leonardo DiCaprio made the film industry $1.1 billion dollars this year with his movies, Inception and Shutter Island. According to a list compiled by Forbes, he made Hollywood more money than anyone, but you'll be surprised who came in second.

Gus Van Sant's Restless: Death & the Teenagers

Richard Lawson · 10/19/10 11:04AM

Here's a trailer for Restless, a surprisingly sappy-looking teen romance about a girl dying of cancer who falls in love with a death-obssesed boy who hangs out with the ghost of a Kamikaze pilot. Yeah, it's one of those.

We Will Never Give Up on the '80s

Richard Lawson · 03/29/10 09:42AM

This weekend dragons scorched the earth, Alice fell even further down that money-lined rabbit hole, and a '10s comedy about the '80s did some pretty rad business.

Alice in Wonderland Uses Its CGI Power for Good, Not Evil

Brian Moylan · 12/16/09 11:44AM

Though this two-minute trailer contains many of the same sequences as the first one, today's version is much cleaner and crisper. It also offers a little insight into the plot. It seems that Alice (Mia Wasikowska) is returning to Wonderland to find that the evil Red Queen (Helena Bonham Carter) has taken over and made everything as horrible as a death in the family during Saturday morning cartoons. Now, Alice teams up with Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter (really, did anyone think he wasn't going to kill this role?) to fight for the nice White Queen (Anne Hathaway in Glinda the Good Witch drag, if that's a compliment) and restore the kingdom.