Whose Side Are the Oath Keepers in Ferguson On?
Andy Cush · 08/18/15 09:00AM
Sam Andrews received three phone calls during an hour-long lunch at a Pizza Hut in St. Louis County, Missouri, last week. Andrews is a member of the group called the Oath Keepers, and the callers were fellow Oath Keepers, congratulating and questioning him about his latest “operation”: Over the previous two nights, in nearby Ferguson, he’d led a group of five white men with assault rifles and body armor to the scene of the protests marking the one-year anniversary of Michael Brown’s death. It had been a grabby image for the media convened there, and he relished the attention.
Missouri Cop Brags on Facebook About "Annual Michael Brown Bonus"
Brendan O'Connor · 08/15/15 09:05AMDozens Arrested After Mike Brown Protesters Block Highway Outside St. Louis
Hudson Hongo · 08/10/15 10:00PMState of Emergency Declared in Ferguson as Protestors Arrested Outside Courthouse
Taylor Berman · 08/10/15 02:38PM
As prominent Black Lives Matter activists, including DeRay McKesson, Johnetta Elzie, and Cornel West, were being arrested outside the St. Louis federal courthouse, the executive of St. Louis County declared an emergency in Ferguson. The St. Louis County police department, who last night exchanged gunfire with and wounded an alleged gunman, will now take over all policing in Ferguson.
One Wounded in “Officer-Related Shooting” During Ferguson Protests
Taylor Berman · 08/10/15 12:29AMAt least one St. Louis County police officer opened fire during tonight’s anniversary protests in Ferguson, allegedly after coming under “heavy fire.” There are reports that one person was wounded during the shooting, which took place as the interim chief of the Ferguson police department gave a live TV interview.
Darren Wilson Is Racist, As It Turns Out
Jay Hathaway · 08/03/15 11:17AM
Writing for the New Yorker, Jake Halpern has turned in the first extensive interview with Darren Wilson, the former Ferguson, Mo., cop who shot and killed black teenager Michael Brown. In conversations at his home, hidden somewhere “on the outskirts of St. Louis,” Wilson reveals he’s not exactly haunted by second thoughts about what happened: He “did his job” that day, and just wants to move on with his life.
Two Reportedly Shot Near Ferguson Protest
Hudson Hongo · 04/29/15 01:18AMJason Parham · 04/23/15 01:35PM
The family of Michael Brown has filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against the city of Ferguson. Last August, an unarmed Brown was gunned down by Officer Darren Wilson, who is charged with using “an unnecessary and unreasonable amount of force in violation of [Brown’s] constitutionally guaranteed right to life.”
Ferguson Police Chief Resigns
Taylor Berman · 03/11/15 03:38PMAlmost All Arrests in Ferguson Between 2012-2014 Were Black People
Aleksander Chan · 03/03/15 03:20PMJustice Dept Finds Years of Racial Discrimination By Ferguson PD: Report
Aleksander Chan · 03/02/15 08:35AMReports: Justice Dept. to Clear Darren Wilson of Civil Right Charges
Taylor Berman · 01/21/15 04:50PMFerguson Grand Juror Sues Prosecutor to Speak About "Muddled" Case
Aleksander Chan · 01/05/15 03:05PM
In a federal lawsuit filed today by the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri, a member of the grand jury that chose not to indict former Ferguson, Mo. police officer Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown is suing to lift the lifetime gag order. "Grand Juror Doe" names St. Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch in the suit, and alleges he presented information to the grand jury in a "muddled" and "untimely" manner.
Bangbros Exploits "I Can't Breathe" In Latest Depressing Porn Video
Jay Hathaway · 12/31/14 01:10PMFerguson Police Spokesman Calls Mike Brown Memorial "Pile of Trash"
Hudson Hongo · 12/28/14 10:00AMLAPD Investigates Racist "Dead Michael Brown" Song at Ex-Cop's Party
Andy Cush · 12/24/14 01:30PMAbove, a former federal law enforcement officer named Gary Fishell sings a song about Michael Brown at a charity party hosted by a former LAPD cop. Among the first audible lyrics: "He's bad, bad, Michael Brown/Baddest thug in the whole damn town/Badder than old King Kong." Somehow, it gets worse from there.
Ferguson DA Claims He Knew Witnesses Were Lying, Let Them Testify Anyway
Andy Cush · 12/19/14 05:17PMThe Obamas On Racism: Our Son Could Be Mistaken for a Robber "Or Worse"
Allie Jones · 12/17/14 08:48AM
In an interview with People out today, the President and First Lady discuss their own experiences with racism in light of our current "national discussion of race and racial profiling." Michelle says, "I think people forget that we've lived in the White House for six years. Before that, Barack Obama was a black man that lived on the South Side of Chicago, who had his share of troubles catching cabs."
Report: Darren Wilson's Key Witness Lied About Everything
Aleksander Chan · 12/16/14 10:12AM
In a damning new report by the Smoking Gun, a crucial witness in the grand jury deciding whether to indict former Ferguson, Mo. police officer Darren Wilson is revealed as having fabricated her eyewitness account of the altercation between Wilson and unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown on Aug. 9. "Witness 40," identified as 45-year-old Sandra McElroy, has a documented history of racist remarks, criminal behavior, and mental illness.