Hamilton Nolan · 02/22/16 01:44PM
A Terrified Nation Gets the NSA Debate It Deserves
Hamilton Nolan · 11/19/14 11:35AMHamilton Nolan · 04/07/14 09:07AM
Globe and Mail Falls for Hoax that Michael Hayden Shot Dead at LAX
Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/01/13 01:07PMMichael Hayden, the Voice of Terror
Hamilton Nolan · 10/31/13 11:42AMGuy Tweets Ex-NSA Boss Giving Off-The-Record Interviews On a Train
Adrian Chen · 10/24/13 04:03PMBob Schieffer's NSA Farce
Hamilton Nolan · 08/12/13 12:18PM
Bob Schieffer, the elderly moderator of CBS's Face the Nation, once dismissed Edward Snowden as "just a narcissistic young man who has decided he is smarter than the rest of us." Yesterday, Schieffer once again addressed the issues of privacy and the NSA. His performance was an embarrassment to journalism.