
The Price of a Literary Chipotle Cup

J.K. Trotter · 12/05/14 04:40PM

Earlier this week, we asked our readers for any information about Chipotle’s “Cultivating Thought” campaign—namely, how much dough the chain restaurant is offering famous authors to write the (extremely) short stories that appear on Chipotle cups and bags. Our readers delivered a few theories, and at least two plausible numbers.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/25/14 09:52AM

"To succeed in this environment you must believe, or at least pretend to believe, that you are an expert in matters where no expertise is possible." Michael Lewis is very good at describing the underlying truths of Wall Street.

Bloomberg View Is the Media's Plushest Gulag

Hamilton Nolan · 12/18/13 11:36AM

Billionaire New York mayor-for-life Mike Blomberg has a dream: a dream that one day, through sheer spending power alone, he can build an editorial Centrist Dream Team that is as lavishly paid as it is widely ignored. His dream has come true.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Entered Politics to 'Freak Everyone Out'

Jim Newell · 09/29/11 03:35PM

Did you or any Californians you know vote for Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 2003 California gubernatorial recall election because you thought it would be funny? Good for a laugh? The source of years of bad "Governator" jokes, and so on? Then you heard the campaign message clearly, because that's why Schwarzenegger chose to run, too.

The Best Fucking Financial Crisis Books

Adrian Chen · 03/28/10 10:00PM

This is fun: Paul Kedrosky has assembled a list of books about the financial crisis which contain the most instances of the word "fuck." Surprisingly less than we expected, given the topic. Full list, after the jump:

Online Mob Savages Michael Lewis Book

Ryan Tate · 03/23/10 11:58AM

If you see someone toting a Kindle onto the subway, give them space: Judging from what owners of the e-book reader have done to author Michael Lewis, they can be some seriously mean and vengeful nerds.

Michael Lewis —

Gabriel Snyder · 11/18/09 05:58PM

expressing disbelief at the studio system that rushes to turn The Blind Side into a schmaltzy Sandra Bullock vehicle but will never, ever make a movie of his seminal Wall St. book Liar's Poker, to New York's Vulture.

Brad Pitt To Grow Michael Lewis' Fat Bankroll

Ryan Tate · 02/06/09 07:31AM

He must have learned it on Wall Street. Michael Lewis, the Salomon Brothers trader turned journalist, is, by the standards of newspaper hacks, a financial genius. And now he's got a movie deal.

'Your Fucking Book Destroyed My Career'

Ryan Tate · 11/14/08 05:21AM

Henry Blodget, the Wall Street analyst returned to journalism, wrote that Michael Lewis' (last?) Portfolio article on short-seller Steve Eisman and the collapse of Wall Street generally is "pure pleasure from start to finish." It's true; it's the sort of piece that will keep you up late, assuming you're remotely interested in the ongoing collapse of the modern financial system. But the article's most compelling section deals not so much with finance as with the eternal tension between writer and subject, i.e. fucking over your sources. '