The Mickey Kaus Oppo Research Project
John Cook · 04/15/10 02:26PMIntroducing the Mickey Kaus Oppo Research Project
John Cook · 03/12/10 05:23PMWill Slate Let Mickey Kaus Blog During His Gag Senate Run?
John Cook · 03/11/10 05:51PMIs Mickey Kaus Running for Senate?
Adrian Chen · 03/01/10 10:40PMScoring Sunday's Nuptials: Fighting the Law, and The Law's Hot Ivy League Lawyers
Phyllis Nefler · 01/31/10 03:30PMIs Twitter Conspiring with Celebrities to Delete Your Mean Tweets?
Ryan Tate · 10/29/09 11:29AMHappy Blogiversary to Mickey Kaus!
Pareene · 06/29/09 09:52AMLabor Relations Expert Mickey Kaus on GM
Pareene · 06/02/09 12:25PMBlogger Dreams of Terrifying Future of Well-Paid Bloggers
Pareene · 02/04/09 12:53PMKaus Blog Slightly Easier to Navigate, Thought Processes Still Impenetrable
Pareene · 10/15/08 01:11PMWait, Really?
Pareene · 06/25/08 12:25PMThe Predictions Game, With Famous Blogger Mickey Kaus
Pareene · 05/07/08 09:44AMWoman Not Sufficiently Proud Of Nation With Multi-Generation Legacy Of Oppression
Pareene · 02/19/08 04:25PMThe John Edwards "Sex Scandal" For Idiots
Pareene · 10/16/07 11:05AM
So this nutty hippie lady maybe fell in love with John Edwards and they maybe had an affair and then John Edwards' definitely hired her to do some work for his campaign despite her lack of qualifications and then they erased all traces of the work and then a year went by and then the Huffington Post and the National Enquirer both sorta ran with a sex scandal story and then everyone involved denied it. You caught up? Good! Radar wants to know why no "legitimate" news outlets are covering it. Good question! Slate blogger Mickey Kaus has sure enjoyed himself with it! But Edwards is so damn nice and so clean cut and lovable and his wife has cancer and maybe everyone just doesn't want to believe it? Or else maybe his campaign has proven so inept at matching Obama and Hillary in fundraising and polls that no one sees any point in piling on with a story that is so far mostly innuendo and maybe some DAMNING EMAILS from a demonstrably crazy lady.
abalk · 07/19/07 08:42AM
abalk · 07/10/07 10:20AM
abalk · 07/09/07 12:50PM
Mickey Kaus takes a break from his endless agitation against the immigration bill to examine the case of L.A.'s reporter-fucking mayor. While Kaus suggests that this is only the tip of the iceberg, we offer Mayor Villaraigosa this bit of encouragement: Rudy Giuliani's second wife was also a member of the media. You're only one wife away from being a viable presidential candidate! [Kausfiles]
Blogger's Mother Solves Vanishing Bee Mystery
abalk2 · 04/30/07 11:20AMMedia Bubble: Giving You The Bird
abalk2 · 03/15/07 10:08AM
Someone sent us this picture of what they describe as a "wild bird" outside the Conde Nast building this morning, which is apparently freaking people out as much or more than the homeless woman who was peeing in the lobby of 4 Times Square on Friday. The bird will be served in the cafeteria around noon. Anna Wintour's gonna put a napkin over her head and eat it ortolan-style. And now, the news.