
Middle East Unrest Means Better Yacht Sales (Hopefully)

Jeff Neumann · 03/23/11 05:51AM

Uncertain about the political upheaval in the Middle East, and what it might mean for the millions of people living under varying degrees of oppression? Hey, Stupid — get ahead of the curve, because there's some serious money to be made in the region right now, in the high-end yacht market! Skeptical? Then just ask Erwin Bamps, the head of luxury ship builder Gulf Craft, who spoke to the Times just ahead of the Abu Dhabi Yacht Show:

The Latest News from Libya: March 21

Jim Newell · 03/21/11 03:10PM

Operation Odyssey Dawn continues! Freedom bombs continue to rain down upon Libya today, while coalition nations try to stave off political divisions back home. A majority of Americans, however, support the creation of a no-fly zone. Rep. Dennis Kucinich would like to impeach Barack Obama. And what does "Odyssey Dawn" mean anyway? Here's your latest update of the news in and surrounding Libya.

Qaddafi Under Allied Attack as Region Seethes

Jeff Neumann · 03/20/11 10:30AM

Yesterday, forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi came under a blistering attack by U.S. and European naval and air forces. Meanwhile, anti-government protests continued today in Syria as U.S.-backed despots violently suppressed those who threaten the status quo. Here's a look at what's happening across the Middle East.

Neocons Write Nice Letter Asking Obama for War in Libya

Jim Newell · 03/15/11 04:01PM

President Obama is seriously wearing on the patience of America's most war-loving war lovers, the Washington neoconservatives. Why won't Obama be reasonable and just let them have their endless War in Libya? Muammar Qaddafi is strengthening his grip and moving east, so the window of opportunity for invading another decentralized tribal country and then spending a dozen years there while alienating everyone in the region is closing. And so the neocons have banded together to write Obama a sternly worded letter asking for their war, please, now.

Libyan Rebels Defeated In Strategic Town

Adrian Chen · 03/11/11 06:57PM

Libyan rebels were pushed out of the oil town of Zawiyah today under a heavy assault by pro-Qaddafi forces on the ground and in the air. Things aren't looking too good for the rebels right now: They've lost a lot of momentum, and President Obama, though he's stuck with the "Qaddafi must go" line, has refused to offer any real support to rebel forces. All he would say in a press conference today was that when it comes to U.S. military actions, whether it's a no-fly zone or other options, you've got to balance costs versus benefits. And I don't take those decisions lightly."

Libyan Rebels Push West as British Commandos are 'Held'

Jeff Neumann · 03/06/11 08:50AM

As deadly fighting in several Libyan cities continues, reports claim that an elite British SAS unit was captured by rebels. Meanwhile, protesters in Bahrain are stepping up pressure on the ruling elite. Here's what's happening across the Middle East.

Qaddafi Arms Supporters as Security Council Meets

Jeff Neumann · 02/26/11 01:54PM

The UN Security Council is meeting today to discuss Libya, while Muammar el-Qaddafi continues to kill his own people. Also, parts of Tripoli are fighting back. Here's a look at what's happening across the Middle East and North Africa today:

King Abdullah Throws Cash at Restive Saudis

Jeff Neumann · 02/23/11 07:34AM

Out of the pure goodness of his heart, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia today announced that he's giving out $10.7 billion worth of benefits to his subjects, including a streamlined housing loan process and 15 percent pay raise for government employees! The people of Saudi Arabia will be remain very happy and won't be inclined to complain about anything, ever! [BBC; AJE]