Is It Okay to Make a Fortune If You Give it All Away?
Hamilton Nolan · 08/25/14 11:59AMHere’s Bloomberg’s Official Portrait—And a Better, Unofficial One
J.K. Trotter · 12/30/13 12:20PM
Today the Bloomberg administration unveiled the outgoing mayor’s official portrait, which was painted by Jon Friedman and depicts Bloomberg wearing two “Big Apple” cufflinks and a Big Apple lapel, and, behind him, at least two Bloomberg LP computer terminals. The city unveiled the portrait three days after Polish artist Ismena Halkiewicz placed on the market her own (uncommissioned) portrait of the mayor, who in Halkiewicz’s version is holding an owl and framed by blood-red raindrops inscribed with the dollar sign.
Hamilton Nolan · 11/08/13 03:45PM
J.K. Trotter · 09/16/13 01:08PM
Mayor Bloomberg wasted $160,000 of taxpayer money to (unsuccessfully) suppress the publication of internal emails, first requested by former Gawker intern Sergio Hernandez, about the ill-fated appointment of former New York City School Chancellor Cathie Black, who resigned 3 months after taking the job in 2011. Nice work, Mike.
Bloomberg Pretends He Didn’t Already Endorse Christine Quinn
J.K. Trotter · 09/13/13 09:42AMMayor Bloomberg Bought a Custom $13,000 Copper Bathtub
J.K. Trotter · 08/12/13 03:10PM
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire stop-and-frisk advocate who systemically faked riding the subway, plans to install a $13,300 copper bathtub in his Upper East Side townhouse. Agence France-Presse recently spoke with the coppersmith in northwest France whom Bloomberg personally commissioned to fabricate the metal vessel:
Max Read · 08/09/13 09:11AM
Taking the Stairs Will Not Get You in Shape
Hamilton Nolan · 07/18/13 10:53AMCiti Bike Is a Nazi-Muslim Plan to Firebomb New York City
Max Read · 06/05/13 03:12PMThe Oprah Emails Mike Bloomberg Didn't Want You to See For Some Reason
John Cook · 05/03/13 10:22AM
A couple years ago, New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg did a laughably stupid thing and named Cathie Black, a rich lady-about-town who ran a bunch of magazines and newspapers as president of Hearst, as his new schools chancellor. Since Black had no qualifications for the job aside from being a rich friend of Bloomberg's, some folks objected and Black resigned after 95 humiliating days. Back in 2010, former Gawker intern Sergio Hernandez thought it might be fun to read the email traffic between Black and City Hall prior to Black's appointment, so he filed a request under New York's Freedom of Information Law. Because Bloomberg is a secretive, entitled, arrogant prick, it took more than two years and a court battle to get them.
Mike Bloomberg Will Leave the Homeless Worse Off Than He Found Them
Hamilton Nolan · 02/20/13 10:30AM
New York City Michael "Mayor Mike" Bloomberg, the 20th richest human in the world, said this yesterday about his administration's policy of requiring single adults "to prove they have no other alternatives when they are seeking access to a homeless shelter," and of barring homeless families and children from city shelters during freezing weather "if officials determine they have an alternative place to sleep:"
Rudy Giuliani is Just Like That Guy who Never Leaves Your High School
MTanzer · 01/01/13 04:35PMJon Stewart Reconciles New York's Proposed Soda Ban With Proposed Marijuana Decriminalization
Matt Toder · 06/07/12 10:34PMIn New York, you may not be able to drink large quantities of soda but, if Governor Cuomo's new proposed marijuana decriminalization becomes law, you will be able to carry around an ounce of weed without it being a misdemeanor. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart had a little trouble reconciling these two ideas.
Your Frappuccinos Are in Danger
Hamilton Nolan · 06/01/12 11:43AM
Smooth move by thinspirational pro-ana billionaire Mike Bloomberg: he'll ban big huge sodas that poor people drink, sure, but don't worry, people who actually vote and/ or donate money to political campaigns—your precious huge syrupy Starbucks quote sweetened coffee beverages unquote will be safe, because they contain milk.
Jon Stewart Isn't Wild About Mike Bloomberg's Soda Ban
Matt Toder · 05/31/12 10:28PMOn tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart expressed some concerns over Mayor Mike Bloomberg's soda ban. The problem, as Stewart sees it, is that killing ourselves through terrible diets is basically a New York tradition, and until someone puts a limit on the amount of roast beef we can shovel down our throats, we should at least be able to wash it all down.
Quit Complaining About Mayor Bloomberg’s Soda Ban, Fatsos
Drew Magary · 05/31/12 02:20PM
The second New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg's plan to ban large sodas was announced, you knew that people would use it to declare that America has become a Commu-fascist labor prison. The Atlantic called it classist. Comedy Central's political blog (they have one!) called it ridiculous. Forbes called Bloomberg a Republican Socialist. And Bernie Goldberg basically declared that the ban was a gateway law that will one day lead to the government stealing your kids in the middle of the night and harvest their organs to give to illegal immigrants.
Bloomberg Thinks the NYPD Is His Own Army
Max Read · 11/30/11 01:03PM
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has never been accused of taking a heavy-handed approach to governing. Want to smoke? Go ahead! Want to have a little salt with your deep-fried meat product? All you, baby! Want to camp out for a few weeks in a park to protest? Who's going to stop you? Only his army.
Police Barricades Protect NYC Mayor From '24-Hour' Drum Circle
Lauri Apple · 11/20/11 07:40PMThe Occupy Wall Street protesters who had planned to throw a 24-hour drum circle party (a violation of several United Nations human rights treaties) outside NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg's Manhattan manse didn't quite make it thanks to NYPD officers and barricades. Undaunted, they held their percussive party down the street. A sax player and a cowbell armada showed up to provide ... well, not rhythms. How about sounds? Yes, sounds.