Hillary Clinton Endorses $15 Minimum Wage in New York and California [Corrected]
Jeff Ihaza · 04/04/16 09:35PM
[This post has been corrected.] This week, California and New York passed landmark bills that would increase the states’ minimum wages to $15 an hour. Hillary Clinton joined New York governor Andrew Cuomo on Monday to celebrate the win—despite advocating for only a $12 minimum wage at the national level since at least October.
Business Execs Support Progressive Policies, but The Chamber of Commerce Fights Them
Hamilton Nolan · 04/04/16 11:30AMCalifornia Raises Minimum Wage to $15, But Its Workers May Not Benefit Until 2022
Melissa Cronin · 03/27/16 09:30AM
California lawmakers, working in tandem with labor unions, struck a deal to raise the statewide minimum—at first, to $10.50, with gradual increases to $15. The deal allowed lawmakers to avoid bringing the wage increase issue to a ballot, a vote which polls suggest California voters would overwhelmingly support.
Hamilton Nolan · 03/23/16 08:38AM
Hamilton Nolan · 03/18/16 11:10AM
Oregon Is Blazing New Trails on Minimum Wage
Hamilton Nolan · 02/19/16 10:20AMStudy: Minimum Wage Increases Don't Hurt the Restaurant Industry
Hamilton Nolan · 01/15/16 09:23AMThe Brilliant Simplicity of a Guaranteed Minimum Income
Hamilton Nolan · 12/28/15 12:57PMRepublicans Would Like Your Vote. They Promise Not to Raise Your Wages.
Hamilton Nolan · 11/11/15 11:40AMHillary Clinton Is Running For Capitulator-In-Chief
Hamilton Nolan · 07/31/15 09:28AMHamilton Nolan · 05/27/15 12:57PM
"A Very Big Victory": Los Angeles Approves $15 an Hour Minimum Wage
Hudson Hongo · 05/20/15 01:35AM
On Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council voted 14-1 to raise of the city’s minimum wage, which will increase from $9 an hour to $15 an hour by 2020, The Washington Post reports. Similar legislation has recently passed in places like Seattle and San Francisco, but Los Angeles will be the largest city by far to adopt the $15 per hour base wage.