Black Female Soldiers Say the Army's New Hair Rules Are Racist
Adam Weinstein · 04/02/14 12:45PMWisconsin Voter ID Proponent: If You Can't Vote, You Must Not Care
Sarah Hedgecock · 11/19/13 05:32PMHouse Republicans Meet at a Former Slave Plantation to Practice Talking to Black People
Cord Jefferson · 01/17/13 02:15PM
The House Republicans are holding their annual winter retreat in quaint tourist village Williamsburg, Virginia, this weekend in order to recuperate and prepare for upcoming legislative battles. Besides partaking in discussions about the debt ceiling and gun restrictions, GOP congressmen and women will also be getting schooled in the fine art of how to have "successful communication with minorities and women."
Black is the New White: Non-White Births Outnumber White Births for the First Time in U.S. History
Caity Weaver · 05/17/12 12:19AMSupreme Court to Reexamine Affirmative Action
Caity Weaver · 02/21/12 10:03PMWhites Are Officially a Minority in Your City
Hamilton Nolan · 08/31/11 10:41AMMajority of New American Babies Are Not White
Jim Newell · 06/23/11 01:42PMWhite Kids Are Losing the TV-Watching Race
Hamilton Nolan · 06/08/11 01:33PMBarack Obama Can Just Ignore White Voters Now
Jim Newell · 04/01/11 03:09PM
Even when Democrats' fortunes tumble spectacularly in the short-term, the party can always remind itself that national demographic trends favor them in the end. Many, many old white people will die soon enough. This generation's youth voters are lopsidedly liberal. Meanwhile, Hispanics — who've voted strongly for Democrats in the last two elections after mainstream Republican rhetoric took a sharply nativist turn in 2007 — will occupy a larger and ever growing percentage of the American population. Throw in reliable support from 80-90% of African Americans, and the Democratic party could be dominant in the not-too-distant future.