North Korea Launched 3 Missiles Into the Sea
Max Rivlin-Nadler · 05/18/13 03:00PMPhoto Shows North Korea's 'U.S. Mainland Strike Plan': L.A., D.C. and Austin, Texas
Max Read · 03/29/13 07:29AM
Following a joint South Korea-U.S. stealth bomber practice mission, North Korea announced that it's pointing its rockets at the U.S. and putting them on standby, and a state news photo seems to show its main targets: Hawaii, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, and, uh... Austin. (Just a few weeks too late, Un!) NKNews.org points out that this photo, released in state media organ Rodong Sinmun, features a large map conspicuously labelled, "U.S. Mainland Strike Plan"; a close examination of the map shows vectors pointed toward Hawaii, D.C., L.A.... and, as far as anyone can tell, Austin.
North Korea Is Firing Another Rocket, Totally Not to Test Missiles, So Stop Asking About It. Jeez.
MTanzer · 12/01/12 10:59AMMichele Bachmann Warns of Hezbollah Parking Missiles in Cuba
Jim Newell · 09/27/11 11:57AMWhere does Michele Bachmann stand on normalizing trade relations with Cuba? Well. It's not particularly high on her priority list, let's say! Not merely because they're dirty commies. But also, apparently, because Cuba is working with Hezbollah to potentially set up missile sites on the island. Perhaps you might even call it a... Cuban Missile Crisis? Or is this something of an exaggeration?
U.S. Almost Assassinated Another Bad Guy in Yemen
Adrian Chen · 05/06/11 05:19PM
According to the Wall Street Journal, a U.S. drone strike narrowly missed the American-born radical cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki, who inspired the underwear bomber and the Times Square Bomber. Known for his inflammatory YouTube videos, he's sort of like the Islamist Rebecca Black. Too bad the drone missed; our lamp post-climbing muscles were really warmed up after last weekend.
Jon Stewart Mocks the Media's Hysteria Over LA's "Mystery Missile"
Matt Cherette · 11/10/10 11:23PMNobody Knows Who Launched That ICBM Off the California Coast Last Night
John Cook · 11/09/10 09:39AMMystery Missile Launched Off the Los Angeles Coast Last Night
Matt Toder · 11/09/10 09:09AMLast night at dusk, a mystery missile was launched near Los Angeles, as reported by LA's KCBS. Neither the navy nor the military have claimed the missile yet, so far its origin remains unknown. Their report inside.
Four Men Convicted over Synagogue Bombing Plot
Jim Newell · 10/18/10 02:52PMMosque Protesters Now Pointing Old, Rented Missiles at Park51
Jim Newell · 09/02/10 11:40AMIsrael Stations (Potentially) Nuclear Submarines off Iran
Ravi Somaiya · 05/30/10 01:14PMNorth Korea Launches Crazy Music Missile
Hamilton Nolan · 04/05/09 09:00AMIran Gets 33% Scarier With Photoshop Retouching
Hamilton Nolan · 07/10/08 10:41AM
Iran has tested missiles! Not just one or two or even three missiles, but four missiles! Our crack intelligence agencies know this, because the Iranian military's propaganda arm helpfully provided the media with a photo showing-count 'em-four whole missiles blasting off into the sky. You'll regret the decision to build only three missile shelters, Israel! The scary, quadri-missiled photo of terror was splashed across front pages nationwide. Too bad it's a big phony!
Jewish Ad Banned For Scary Missile Scene
Hamilton Nolan · 04/08/08 09:04AM
The American Jewish Committee wanted to run a pro-Israel ad on classical radio station WQXR in New York. The ad's opening line is "Imagine you had 15 seconds to find shelter from an incoming missile." The station decided not to run the ad, despite the fact that it has plenty of Jewish listeners. The reason, according to the station's GM? "First, the opening line . . . does not make clear that the potential target of the missile is not our listening area, and as a consequence, runs the risk of raising anxiety in a misleading way." Good to see the radio industry has learned its lesson after that whole "War of the Worlds" fiasco in 1938! This is also why old people should not be allowed to listen to the radio. [NYP]