
MIT Frat's Beer-Pong Table Is the Nerd-Broiest Thing in Nerd Broville

Camille Dodero · 10/11/13 03:10PM

Nerd Broville, a mesh-shorted seaside town with Call of Duty casinos and a high-speed party monorail, has a new Mayor. His name is Christian Reed, he's a member of MIT's Phi Beta Epsilon fraternity, and he has solved a problem that's plagued nerd bros for eons: the sticky balls (heh) and constant spillage (heh heh) that come along with those long, arduous nights of Olympic beer-pong feats.

Crusading Nerd Liberates 18,000 Academic Journal Articles

Adrian Chen · 07/21/11 12:28PM

The strange case of activist Aaron Swartz—who faces 35 years in prison for downloading a ton of academic articles—is predictably shaping up to be a rallying call for information freedom supporters. One guy just dumped 18,592 journal articles on The Pirate Bay in solidarity.

Here's What 5 Million Posts on 4chan Look Like

Adrian Chen · 07/12/11 01:49PM

We're not going to actually show you five million 4chan posts, since we and all of you would likely be sent to prison for a long time. But here's a word cloud generated from 5,576,095 posts. (Click on the photo above to enlarge.)

4channers Are Vampires

Adrian Chen · 05/24/11 12:05PM

A study by grad students at MIT produced this chart describing the average activity on 4chan over a two-week span. Those familiar with the site will not be surprised that it really livens up in the off-hours.

Will Health Care Reform Be Popular as a Comic Book?

Jim Newell · 02/08/11 02:24PM

Experts who support the new health care law haven't been able to sway public opinion much with the drab language of health economics. So now they'll just make a comic book — sorry, graphic novel — about it and see if that does the trick. You love comic books and movies about comic books, don't you, America? Well just wait until the comic book ethos is applied to such sexy topics as risk pooling and the medical-loss ratio, by an MIT economist author!

Bloggers: Higher Learning's Saviors, or Destroyers?

Andrew Belonsky · 10/02/09 01:36AM

MIT's student bloggers are grade-A. They write about everything. And the school loves them for it. But not all of America's schools are so keen on handing over the virtual reins. They should, though, because this internet thing's wild.

Sex advice from MIT

Melissa Gira Grant · 09/16/08 09:00PM

Trust a campus reporter to get to the heart of the underloved MIT student body. The Tech's Christine Yu explains sex in a language those who need it most can relate to in a moment of crisis: introductory math and physics. You don't need to have gotten off or awkward in Cambridge's most notorious sub-basements to find a grain of truth in her advice.

MIT students free to talk about bugs in Boston bus system

Paul Boutin · 08/19/08 05:00PM

Three MIT students who'd been blocked by a judge from presenting their findings on "vulnerabilities in Boston's transit fare payment system" at this month's Defcon security conference are free to speak starting Friday. A U.S. District Court judge refused to extend the 10-day gag order issued against Zack Anderson (pictured), RJ Ryan, and Alessandro Chiesa just before the conference. The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority had asked for a five-month restraining order to allow time to fix the vulnerabilities. San Francisco's Electronic Frontier Foundation represented the students. (Photo by Zack Anderson)

MIT brats' free-bus scheme blocked by judge

Paul Boutin · 08/11/08 01:20PM

You can fill this blank in yourself: Three students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology were scheduled to present an analysis of "vulnerabilities in Boston's transit fare payment system" at the Defcon security conferences in Vegas. They were stopped at the last minute after the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority sued them for allegedly violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has chosen to represent the students. That's great news, if only because it involves the EFF standing up for something besides BitTorrent.

Google's siren song calls MBAs to Mountain View

Jackson West · 05/27/08 03:40PM

Nearly a quarter of business school graduates surveyed said the number one company they want to land a job at is, unsurprisingly, Google — what with the pools, hair cuts, massages, legendary cafeteria and valuable stock. Other tech companies included Apple in fourth, Microsoft in twelfth and Amazon in 23rd place. For you managers of the future looking to get an interview with Steve Jobs, the school Apple recruits most heavily at is Stanford, followed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Michigan and the University of Chicago. [Fortune] (Photo by Sam Pullara)