Mitch Daniels Won't Be Running for President
Max Read · 05/22/11 11:23AM
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels has decided not to run for president. He alerted followers of the news in an email sent out early — really early — Sunday morning, probably while he was drunk, or at least, feeling restless after Saturday Night Live. Daniels, an establishment Republican favorite, had built up a reputation as a "sane" Republican by not actively demonizing Muslims and talking about "the deficit" all the time, but he stripped Indiana funds for Planned Parenthood and continued to identify himself as a Republican in 2011, so how sane can he really be? Even so, someone should check on David Brooks and make sure he's doing okay. [Politico; image via AP]
The Sleazy Political Games Surrounding Mitch Daniels' Marital History
Jim Newell · 05/12/11 01:38PM
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels should have joined the presidential race by this point. Economic conservatives like him, he's beginning to mend fences with social conservatives, his close friend Haley Barbour won't run against him, and most importantly, the D.C. establishment glorifies him as a very serious, fiscally responsible Grown-Up. So what's the hang up? Mostly, he and his wife Cheri don't want to read long exposes about their unique marital history for the next two years. And certain other, shady candidates are trying to exploit this vulnerability and scare him off.
Indiana Governor Says He'll Strip Funding for Planned Parenthood
Remy Stern · 04/29/11 05:04PMEntrepreneur backs politician, politician backs his startups
Tim Faulkner · 11/14/07 07:32PM
Scott Jones, serial entrepreneur, has received an additional $8 million in funding from Mort Meyerson, formerly of Perot Systems and EDS, for his startup ChaCha. You'd think with such wealthy backers, Jones wouldn't have to tap the public till. But no: ChaCha was recently granted $2 million from Indiana's 21st Century Technology Fund administered by the Indiana Economic Development Corporation to build new, innovative features. What are these innovations that will debut next year, and how did the already well-funded startup receive this state-funded aid?
ChaCha searches for political clout
Tim Faulkner · 10/08/07 03:30PM
We'd heard of state birds, but official state websites? Yes. Mitch Daniels, Indiana's governor, helped select human-powered search engine ChaCha as the state's official website. He also played a role in conscripting Indiana University staff as unpaid "guides" for ChaCha. Now it's time for Scott Jones, CEO and founder of ChaCha, his investors, and friends to return the favor. Tomorrow, Jones will be hosting a fundraiser at his megamansion, inviting business leaders both Midwestern and bicoastal with the hope of raising a million dollars in a single day.