
Mitt Romney's Case Against a Mitt Romney Presidency

Mobutu Sese Seko · 05/03/12 12:30PM

It's about as easy to lose track of Mitt Romney's political gaffes as it is to lose track of the number of drinks you've had during a beer pong tournament. Their pace is relentless, both are sort of shamefully satisfying, and ultimately they make your head hurt.

Is Obama Too Cool?

Louis Peitzman · 04/29/12 02:02PM

Here's the buzzed-about anti-Obama political ad in which Barack Obama's oppressive coolness is exposed. There's a lot about this strategy I don't understand. Is being cool a problem when you're a president? Does this ad make Obama's fans like him any less? Could Mitt Romney ever pull off Al Green?

No One Wants to be Romney's Running Mate

Matt Toder · 04/23/12 11:01PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart took a look at how none of the top GOP party members want to be Mitt Romney's vice presidential nominee. Instead, they keep suggesting each other and excusing themselves like the nomination is a game of hot potato.

Swing States Are Swinging Toward Obama

Louis Peitzman · 04/22/12 10:50AM

Unemployment is down in swing states, which means support for Barack Obama is up. Recent polls show the president has an advantage over Republican candidate Mitt Romney. And it's still the economy, stupid.

Jon Stewart Details Fox News' About Face on Romney

Matt Toder · 04/19/12 10:48PM

The pundits over at Fox News spent most of the GOP primary season talking about how Mitt Romney wasn't conservative enough to win the nomination and now that he has all but won it, they've had to drastically change their tune. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart called out three pundits in particular and also unveiled a killer Dick Morris impression.

Stephen Colbert Picks Romney's Perfect Running Mate

Matt Toder · 04/18/12 11:32PM

On tonight's Colberrt Report, Stephen Colbert took a moment to examine Mitt Romney's potential running mates and found one big problem, they are all way more interesting than Romney. And that lead Colbert to the perfect choice: Romney's shadow.

Jon Stewart Answers the Big Question: Is Romney Funnier Than Obama?

Matt Toder · 04/18/12 11:20PM

Now that the GOP primary is all but over and Mitt Romney a virtual lock for the nomination, the media has switched into general election mode. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart examined one of the most important questions being asked so far: is Romney funnier than Obama?

Romney and Bibi: Middle East Policy By Two Best Buds Walkie-Talkiing After Bedtime

Mobutu Sese Seko · 04/17/12 02:38PM

Two Sundays ago, the New York Times ran an article about Mitt Romney and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The two have known each other for about 35 years. They went through Boston Consulting Group's "boot camp" together. They "can almost speak in shorthand." They finish each other's sentences and once accidentally ate from opposite ends of the same long strand of spaghetti. Their lives are an endless geopolitical meet-cute: Romney wants to run the nuclear big-box store of the United States, but he has enough love in his heart that he'd never crush the beautiful Middle Eastern shop around the corner.

Stephen Colbert Spent the Weekend with the NRA

Matt Toder · 04/16/12 11:01PM

On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert told tales from the weekend he spent with the NRA at their annual meeting. While Mitt Romney was a wee bit out of place, Newt Gingrich was right at home, especially when he theorized that the right to bear arms had been handed down by God and that it is his hope that everyone on the planet can be armed. One day, Newt, one day.

Mitt Romney's Irish Setter Loved Riding on Top of the Family Car

Louis Peitzman · 04/16/12 06:47PM

Ann Romney is ready to set the record straight about the whole "dog strapped to the roof of the car" business. In an interview with Diane Sawyer, Ann recalled that Seamus the Irish Setter "loved" riding in a carrier on top of the family's Chevrolet. In fact, it would have been far crueler to leave him at a kennel.