
Trax Read: Listen to an Exclusive Mungolian Jetset Mix

Max Read · 08/15/12 09:12AM

Mungolian Jetset — producers Pål Nyhus (also known as DJ Strangefruit) and Knut Sævik — have always had, for better or worse, a reputation as the jokers of the small but talent-dense Norwegian house community — the weirdest, shaggiest members of a weird, shaggy scene. It's not an undeserved reputation. Their tracks are credited elaborately (to, for example, "Mungolian Jet Set's 16th Rebels Of Mung"), titles beset with parentheses ("Milano Model (A Thrilling Mungophony In Two Parts)"); their production is deep and maximalist and completely unafraid of goofing off. "Our sound is rooted in club culture," Nyhus says. "But more influences are being put into it. A dinosaur version of club culture. Like, real dinosaurs."

Songs of the Day: Joey Negro's GoGo Get Down Mix

Rich Juzwiak · 05/11/12 02:15PM

An inevitable but not unwelcome compilation of the D.C.-based funk offshoot go-go is coming out via housemaster Joey Negro's Z Records. It's by (and let's face it for) outsiders and the stream below is a mix of its contents so you can drop by the dropping by. Funkiness abounds. The songs often sound like post-disco boogie with a skip, although the cowbell-heavy, winding go-go sound popularized on a national level by E.U.'s "Da Butt" (from Spike Lee's School Daze) pops in throughout.

All the Movies of 2010 in One Handy Montage

Richard Lawson · 12/14/10 12:12PM

Well, 270 of the movies of 2010, at least. This expertly cut montage is today's example of time well wasted. Watch it! And can you name all 270 movies? (We sincerely hope, for your sake, that you cannot.) [via Videogum]