
Heidi Roizen's slimtastic new venture

Megan McCarthy · 12/12/07 07:17PM

We wondered in April about venture capitalist Heidi Roizen's plans after her firm Moibus Venture finished closing up shop, and now it's been revealed. After topping her bathroom scale in May, Roizen turned her attention towards the music scales. This week, she launched SkinnySongs, a startup focused on creating upbeat, catchy music with the most thinspirational lyrics this side of a pro-ana LiveJournal ring. (Sample lyrics: "Thin! — not telling you lies. Thin! — I want smaller thighs.") Roizen is both the founder and "chief lyricist" for the startup. You can hold her fully responsible for such ditties as "I'm a Hottie Now," "Incredible Shrinking Woman," and the bizarrely titled "Blowing You Off at Eight."

Feld folds: VC blogger Brad Feld goes silent

Nick Douglas · 09/11/06 01:22PM

2004: Venture capitalist Brad Feld writes about one blog post per day at "Feld Thoughts."
2005: Feld writes about a post and a half per day.
January to 6 September 2006: Feld writes two to three posts per day.
7 September 2006: In a story about former billion-dollar firm Mobius Venture Capital, the Wall Street Journal reports that Feld may quit his managing director position to start a new fund with other former Mobius senior members. Feld declines to comment.
7 September to 11 September: Feld posts nothing on his blog.