
What Reparations in America Could Look Like

Hamilton Nolan · 09/22/14 12:30PM

Ta-Nehisi Coates made the case that America owes reparations to its black community. But he purposely left out the details of what a reparations program might look like. We will now make a proposal, for your consideration.

Israel Should Be in Germany

Hamilton Nolan · 07/23/14 12:43PM

Israel and Palestine are warring again. Civilians are dying again. Families are losing their homes, and chaos persists. Again. This would not be happening if Israel were located somewhere that makes more sense: in Germany.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/01/14 01:36PM

Idea: Instead of playing soccer, nations should fight with guns.

Bring Crime Back to Times Square

Hamilton Nolan · 03/17/14 03:05PM

Around New York City, one often hears petulant calls for the city to return to the days when it was "real," meaning infested with crime, rather than with Pret A Manger locations. Such pleas are immature. Crime should only be returned to the Times Square area.

We Must Build a New New York City Somewhere Warm

Hamilton Nolan · 02/05/14 02:44PM

This nation has a very fundamental problem. Its best city—New York City—exists in a northern latitude so extreme that it is a frigid sub-Arctic wasteland for half the year. Why don't we rebuild somewhere down south?

A Modest Proposal for the Future of Online Magazines

Hamilton Nolan · 11/29/10 01:03PM

For well over a decade, has tried to solve the puzzle of how to put out a daily online-only magazine featuring quality writing and journalism without losing money. They've failed. We have just one decent idea for their survival.

Small Business ♥ Bankers

cityfile · 02/27/09 10:58AM

"People need to be encouraged to start spending again," Michael Gross writes, especially the masters of the universe—such as John Thain, left—who made a mint during the boom years and then led us into this mess. So how do we go about doing that? Not by shunning them, or requiring them to take their fortunes and turn the cash over to the government. (It would probably be wasted on Citigroup anyway.) Maybe we could just force them to pump the cash into the local economy?