
Blackwater Allegedly Put Prostitute on the Payroll

Hamilton Nolan · 02/11/10 09:38AM

Just the latest outrageous allegation against Blackwater, the prosecution-proof mercenary army that somehow ran amok whilst doing the work of god and country overseas: they billed you, the taxpayer, for the services of a prostitute, allegedly. For morale purposes!

Employees: No 'Awesomeness' at Facebook

Owen Thomas · 03/10/09 07:00AM

Mean-mom Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, bringer of order to Mark Zuckerberg's children's crusade, has turned the too-cool-for-school startup into a place where employees fill out employee surveys. At Facebook, though, they call them "awesomeness" surveys.

Inside The News Corp. Holiday Gift Bags

Maggie · 12/18/07 11:50AM

News Corp. employees picked up their holiday gift bags today—what did they get? "A Simpsons page-a-day calendar, some Jeff Foxworthy book, and The Simpsons Movie DVD," one of the lucky recipients tells us. Anything else? "We also got an Emergency Procedure Guide." Oh! Well that will definitely come in handy should there be a second freak chemical accident at the News Corp. headquarters this week! "In the event of 1211 exploding, we have to take a bus to Seacaucus, NJ," says a staffer. Um, through the tunnel? No thanks!