
Oprah wept on Silicon Valley investor Sam Perry

Owen Thomas · 11/07/08 01:20PM

The world watched Oprah Winfrey cry as our new Internet President delivered his victory speech. But whose shoulder did she dump mascara on? Sam Perry, a Reuters reporter turned venture capitalist based in Silicon Valley, who had volunteered as a communications director for the Obama campaign. Perry, who's due to appear on her show today, is now a visiting fellow at Stanford University and a consultant to startups. At Reuters, one of the investments he was involved with was Moreover Technologies, a news-aggregation startup cofounded by Valleywag's publisher, Nick Denton. Yes, small world. Watch Oprah sob on Perry:

AP sues Moreover, but bloggers scramble the story

Jordan Golson · 10/12/07 02:36PM

The Associated Press has sued Moreover Technologies, an early news aggregator. Moreover, owned by VeriSign, provides news coverage from a wide variety of sources to subscribers that it finds on websites, including AP wire stories. AP's complaint is that Moreover is "scraping," or copying, the full text of wire stories and sending them to subscribers without paying for them. AP's lawyers argue that this is far outside the realm of fair use. After Moreover ignored a cease-and-desist letter, AP decided to sue. An interesting case, to be sure, but one that's widely misunderstood by quick-on-the-draw bloggers.