
John Battelle feels like he needs more money

Owen Thomas · 08/24/07 06:31PM

Private Equity Hub reports that Federated Media, the online ad network, has raised $4.5 million in a second round of funding, not long after raising $2 million in venture capital, on top of some seed funding. This, of course, after rumors that FM was "overdue" in raising more funds. We're not sure what founder John Battelle plans to do with all that cash, but perhaps, just perhaps, he might want to bankroll some hair-replacement therapy for FM videoblogger Morgan Webb.

Videoblogger Morgan Webb shows some skin

Owen Thomas · 08/24/07 05:46PM

TechThatOut believes it's caught Morgan Webb, host of derivative, me-too, copycat tech videoblog WebbAlert, exposing her ... scalp? The screenshot is a bit blurry, raising questions about whether Webb is actually missing some follicles or just had her hair pulled back too tightly. But it does make one wonder why TechCrunch editor Michael Arrington went gaga and declared her "fairly hot." A quick survey of Valleywag's temporary officemates got a different ruling: "fairly scary." But there's something equally scary, and even balder, about WebbAlert.

Horny Michael Arrington's new lust object

Owen Thomas · 08/02/07 12:14PM

It appears that Michael Arrington is no longer devastated by the abrupt departure on Tuesday of Julia Allison, the New York-based TV commentator he'd begged to stay in town after she flew in for his TechCrunch9 party. The TechCrunch editor has found a new lust object: Morgan Webb, host of WebbAlert, yet another online tech-news show with a busty host in the vein of Rocketboom. After the jump, the hilarious homina-homina that the horny hetero slipped into his review.

Madonna hacked

Gawker · 04/22/03 11:17AM

Madonna's website was hacked on Saturday, and the pranksters posted files from her "This American Life" album in an apparent response to rumors that she was populating file-sharing services with decoys that sounded like her voice barking, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" The site read, "This is what the fuck I think I'm doing..." then, oddly, "Morgan Webb will you marry me?"
Madonna hacked [The Smoking Gun]