Man Charged With Planting Fake Bomb at Anwar al-Awlaki's Old Mosque in Virginia
Brendan O'Connor · 11/23/15 08:32PMMarco Rubio: We Need to Close Anywhere Muslims Go
Ashley Feinberg · 11/20/15 12:15PMPolice: Canada Mosque Deliberately Set Ablaze
Brendan O'Connor · 11/15/15 06:27PMISIS Claims Responsibility for Killing Dozens in Kuwait Mosque Bombing
Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/26/15 09:35AMTennessee Mosque Finally Opens After Years of Good Christian Harassment
Hamilton Nolan · 08/10/12 12:53PMHerman Cain Invents Constitutional Right to Ban Mosques
Max Read · 07/17/11 03:29PMLast we checked with Herman Cain, pizza magnate Republican presidential candidate, his campaign was falling apart amidst internal accusations of "affairs, homosexuality and professional misconduct." But like a deep-dish phoenix rising from the ashes of a brick oven, Cain is back with a bold message: No mosques!
Moron Living Next to a Mosque Is Upset
Jim Newell · 05/11/11 02:26PM
What say we check the headlines for a new installation of that old segment, Morons With Signs On Their Lawns, hmm? Let's see here... well look at that, it's a moron with a sign on his lawn! Michael Heick of Amherst, New York — the moron — lives next to a mosque, but can't stand their flashy lights. So the sign he's put on his lawn says, "BOMB MAKING NEXT DRIVEWAY." Take that, fuckers!
Maine Mosque Vandalized Following Bin Laden Death
TPM · 05/02/11 07:52PMPoll: Most Americans Are Islamists
Max Read · 03/24/11 10:02PM
Bad news for Rep. Peter King's eternal fight against the second-largest religion on the planet! Turns out most Americans are actually dyed-in-the-wool radical Islamists: Sixty nine percent would be "okay" with having a mosque in their communities, and 46 percent have a favorable view of American Muslims, according to a CNN poll. As you might imagine, there is one last bastion of true American Muslin-hating—the rural south, where one half of people say they'd "disapprove" of a neighborhood mosque, unless it had a big confederate flag painted on it. [CNN; image via AP]