
Watch a Man Climb a Mountain in Under Five Minutes

Matt Cherette · 04/20/11 02:07AM

In 1938, the first man to ever climb Eiger—a 13,025 foot mountain in the Swiss Alps—did so after three days. So when Ueli Steck managed to scale the same peak in under three hours (2 hours, 47 minutes and 33 seconds, to be exact), people were flabbergasted. After watching this video of Steck's feat, you'll be flabbergasted, too. [via]

Brokeback Hits Boerum Hill

Jessica · 02/14/06 10:42AM

Finally, after a seemingly endless spat of noncommittal and emotionally unsatisfying renting, Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams have decided to buy in Boerum Hill. The two shelled out $3.5 million for a four-story corner spread two blocks "south of Smith Street" (or says the Australian paper). The price makes the 'hood almost the new Park Slope, but the nearby housing projects help to maintain just enough grit for Heath Ledger to grouchily ride his skateboard without worry.

Short Ends: Jessica Simpson Papers To Officially End Long-Dead Marriage

mark · 12/16/05 09:25PM

· Us Weekly, your go-to source for up-to-the-second status reports about Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey's failed marriage, is the first to report (and don't you forget it, People bitches) that Simpson officially filed for divorce today, mere months after the entire world knew the relationship was long dead.
· For a little while today, this article was accompanied by the picture of Michael Jackson you see at the left instead of one of Samuel L. Jackson—which made gave the whole Dream Keep award discussed seem a lot more sinister.
· The Gilded Moose teaches us all about the various period Texan hairstyles inflicted upon Anne Hathaway in Brokeback Mountain.
· It's likely that many of you have seen this before, but whatever, we feel like linking it anyway: bear on a trampoline.