
Everest Climber Discovers Missing Friend Preserved in Ice

Seth Abramovitch · 06/23/11 10:59PM

As he approached the 29,000-foot peak of Mt. Everest, climber Rodney Hogg discovered the frozen body of his old friend, Peter Kinloch — a 28-year-old from Scotland who died of frostbite and exhaustion scaling the same path just months before. He told The Mirror:

Watch a Man Climb a Mountain in Under Five Minutes

Matt Cherette · 04/20/11 02:07AM

In 1938, the first man to ever climb Eiger—a 13,025 foot mountain in the Swiss Alps—did so after three days. So when Ueli Steck managed to scale the same peak in under three hours (2 hours, 47 minutes and 33 seconds, to be exact), people were flabbergasted. After watching this video of Steck's feat, you'll be flabbergasted, too. [via]